"Juicer" e-motor-bicycles

wow. the sad and totally beautiful part is i was sitting here last night designing how to do this myself, and today i see this thread. I may just buy a n engine off you, since it looks like we're using almost identical bike frames.

So now the magic question is... how much you selling those engine setups for?

I'm not the first to put batteries in a v-twin array, but I endorse your impulse to buy a Juicer powerplant. I'll PM you some prices.
E-tek are WAY too weighty for bicyle builds IMO couple of fellas have them on Endless Sphere no quicker than x5 frock motors plus they are heavier and less efficient, better stock up on decent 'c' rate batteries buddy the etek will kill low spec cells like you have used in this build if you want to use all the power it has..... Should look into an Astro has more power and is 1/20th the weight and heap more efficient...Best of luck anywayz.

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Fantastic result mate, one small thing i would suggest (you probaly already have something planned though haha) this needs a cover

Thanks Aussie Jester. A compliment from a man of your accomplishments really means something.

As far as covering the switch terminals, we have differing philosophies. While you are the king of clean, I aspire to be the king of naked. That is to say, what attracts me to vintage motorcycles is the degree to which they reveal their mechanisms rather than conceal them. If your worry is a practical one, let me reassure you that without a ground fault, there is little chance of shorting or shocking at the switch as there are only positive wires there. Even if the most negative wire were to uncrimp itself it cannot reach that far.
Wasn't so much worried about the shorting just the unfinished look, all for naked look but uncovered switches too me looks like it was an afterthought, all good though bud, long as its what your after rest of the bike is the ducks nuts mate really pro finish :-)

When you getting the next build started? Shall be subscribing to it when i seez it anywayz haha... wish more would take on custom builds
love following them always learning new things ...

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i feel this thread needs a bump. What is the status of the etek boardtracker... i want to know because i have an etek gathering dust and need some inspiration
Dude, I hear you. I'm dyin' to move forward on the etek build, but I gotta sell Juicer I first to raise the capital.

To that end, last week I hired a model to wrap her gams around Juicer I and I took some publicity photos.





So dudes, you wanna see Juicer II? Post these pix on your blogs, send 'em to your pals with blogs, print them out and tape them to a burning marmet! Help me move this bike!
Um a price might help..
I'm afraid to ask tho...
Edit: nevermind...
Saw $3000 for 10mile range..
More of an art piece then a practical e-bike.
I love the look very much. (the model ain't bad either!)
What's the lowest you would sell it for?
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The Juicer is on display in Hollywood at Hollywood Electrics, a cool ebike / eMC store on Fairfax near Melrose.

Also, in another attempt to monetize this bad-boy, I set up an apparel shop with Spreadshirt.com. These guys print higher-quality, longer-lasting shirts using art cut with a plotter, not just a digital printer. Check it out here: Juicer Wear. Only $20!

Ride it, wear it, live it. Catch the feeling. Be the ball. Namaste.