Jschatte's Bike Build


New Member
So, I build a Trike in the spring and rode it all spring and summer, and now into the fall. I always wondered what it would be like to drive on two wheels instead of three, so here is my next build. However, I do not need two bikes so one this is completed it will be going to my friend, who is also helping construct the bike.

I really liked the engine I had on my trike (horz. honda 50cc clone), so I got another one (fairly cheap too) and this is where the build starts. I will keep it updated pretty much daily.

For you guys that havent seen my Trike:

One thing we are confused about is where to source a gas tank. It would need to be at least 3L. Any suggestions on this?
heres the initial mock up:
Note, I am getting rid of the rigid fork, as well as stretching the top tube 3" for front tire clearance.

I like the chopper Crazy Horse! That sure would be a great bike to cruise on, and have tons of power to spare.

As for the mountain bike We have mad progress over the last month or so. Only work on it once a week so progress is slow, but steady.

Since last time, we have: Stretched the frame 3", added in a lower bar, got the sprocket and chain mounted with tensioner, and installed a new, larger front fork. I recently cleaned out the carb but due to some issues with the needle it has yet to run. If worse comes to worse, ill just get a new carb.

Here it is how it sits currently:


Looks real nice! Are you gonna make it a kick start?

I just noticed there are no pedals, do you plan on adding those back in?
BUMP, Jschatte how's this build progressing, please do update.

The build slowed right down pretty much but the bike lives. Just drove it yesterday and I must say it is very fast. It will go 50mph no problem which i find slightly scary lol.

Anyway things to do:
-Install bike parts (pedals, chain,derailer)
-Rebuild rear hub (bearings are going)
-Add a rear brake and upgrade the front brake
-Paint it!

The only new pic I have is up the chain tensioner failure, It is now replaced with c channel so it will never twist again like this. Stupid mistake on my part, should have seen it coming!


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