Josh from Canada


New Member
Jul 21, 2019
Hey guys,

My name is Josh. Ive lived in Orleans, Ottawa, Ontario my whole life. Had a great upgringing until my dads car accident.

Ended up getting addicted to drugs and almost dying way too many times. Almost lived in the hospital at one point many surgeries and resuscitations.

Anyways, I have found solace and comfort in motorized bycicles. I'm now really into building motorized bikes and considering making a small side business out of this. You'd be surprised how many people are in awe and want one of these kits.

Currently, I am using a Skyhawk engine with a dellorto clone RT carb, expansion chamber & lightning CDI.

Some of my future upgrades hopefully will include a high compression top gasket, boost bottle, 36 tooth sprocket and maybe nos.

Thanks guys I look forward to getting to know you!..

Ps I've been a ghost follower for ages lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
Welcome Clats, lot of good guys on the forum that find solace and enjoyment in this hobby. Plus the ride is just fun and make friends everywhere I go on my bikes. Lots of photos taken and many offers to buy, but these little bikes are like family with all the plus and minus that comes with relationships.

Enjoy & be thankful.

Rick C.
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