Jack shaft vs torque converter

Yes read the loooooooong thread. Guess that's why I'm going with another setup then a CVT. I just like the idea of a spread sheat break down.



The trail life for me.
I didn't anticipate how fast this cvt would burn up a belt! still have some life left in it but I can see all sorts of rubber dust all over the cvt plate :p
Has anyone tried the dbr type 1 clutch?

The worse belt I had only lasted for 50 miles.

Find a good source of belts and buy them three at a time. The cheaper the belt, the more variable the life-span.

If you aint smokin these cheap rubber pocket bike CVT belts, then chances are your motor hp and riding style isnt aggressive. ;)

My rod did 22-25mph stock, 30-33mph with CVT. 43 mph with IGH jack shaft. Same engine.... 43 MPH is what Im getting now at the engines 'end of life' phase. there are a few thousand miles on the piston and jug....

I sure had a great time mod'ing the CVT's though befor I gave up. Cooling fans, air flow, seals, killer gear oil... The IGH was 85$ and is thousands of miles ahead.

The racers with CVT's got me beat off the line, but where they top out I shift into third.
If only my motor could have fit a better CVT I would be in love... I wanted it to work so much!

Maybe It time for a real motor :(