It runs!!!


Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor
Wow!! First picture pouring rain. Non stop. Unit assembled. Everything adjusted or tightened. Still pouring. Screw it. Mix fuel, pour fuel in. Open petcock. Not much fuel comes into filter, pump the thumb primer...ok fuel flow. Roll down the driveway, pop clutch sorta firing.....

But not for long. First I tried starting it with full choke on. Fired but NO way. The choke full open, it lives!! Started but wouldn't run....soaking wet.....ride down the's running.....I coulda/shoulda choked it some as it didn't want to idle, back up driveway to garage to dry off. To darn wet.

Questions: I thought the screw (4.5 turns) on the left side of the carb was the mixture screw. Here's what the manual says:

.......the adjustment of the mixture screw by rotating screw clockwise until seated and then rotate screw 4½ turns back counterclockwise....

BUT - At the very end of the manual it says:

If the rpm needs adjusting, turn the idle adjust screw (left side of carburetor) in or out....

What gives? What is that screw for? Is there another screw?

Thanks guys - I really appreciate the support.
all that screw is for is idle speed. thier is a clip inside the carburator that you can change the fuel mixture with. that shouldn't keep it from running though. i had to find the sweet spot on the choke to get it to run the first time and after i drove a short ways about a block i could turn off the choke. gotta love the crummy instructions that come with these kits
I still don't have mine figured out except I can not start it on full choke no matter how cold it is. I have to start it at about 1/2 choke let it run a couple of minutes then turn it off. It probably would start no choke but i doubt that it would idle but then I have a throttle that I can lock to keep it running.

I try to start mine in the drive then let it warm up before I take off. I don't really want to get in the street and have it not start. So it's up and down the drive till I have a little more confidence in it. usually take me a couple of tries before it hits. Mostly because I forgot to turn the gas on, turn on my ignition switch or do something else that needed doing.

Anyway don't worry it will come to you. At least for my sake I hope so lol. I'm still waiting for it to all come together at once.
Yep, the screw is just the speed screw. I too had to find the "sweet spot" on the choke for best starting and it varied between the two bikes. So did the mixture (clip position).

I finally tapered the needle on both bikes so I had optimum mixture. One position on the needle was a bit too rich, the next one was a bit too lean. Tapering the needle with a cordless and some 320 wet-or-dry sandpaper made 'em both just right.

* Do not attemp tapering the needle unless you are adventurous and have a little patients and time. You'll have to "adjust" the taper a tiny bit, re-assemble, test run, dis-assemble, repeat until it's right.

Well worth the hassle.
Deacon, if that's the case, you may be running a little rich. Try moving the clip up one notch on the needle and see how it runs then.

May go up hills better too. ;^)
I'm running it in the second notch from the top. You think i should try it on the top or three down. I'm willing to try anything.

They are playing Arlo Guthrie city of New Orleans on the radio.... I think I need a road trip in the worst way. God I miss the old days.
Although a lot of these kits run with the clip in the middle, if you are starting it with half choke and think it's almost too much, try going to the top notch. If you need more choke to start it, and it breaks into a four cycle when under light load (level ground, partial throttle) you are good to go.

One of my kits ran fine with the clip in the second from the bottom, the other in the second from the top. Neither one ran well with it in the middle.
Yes it's time for me to start experimenting again. I haven't screwed anything up all week. I will give it a try on the top spot. If it hill climbs worse I will just go the other way. First though I have to get a warm day. This cold will put it off a while.

I thought there had to be something wrong my gas mileage is only about fifty to the gallon now. But that is short trips so a lot goes into warmup and starting it. Can't really tell till i get it on the road for longer trips.
I had a feeling something was wrong. I'll see what I can do with it when the weather breaks.
I had a feeling something was wrong. I'll see what I can do with it when the weather breaks.

We have some serious parallels going on here! :p Tomorrow is supposed to be mostly sunny. Heck with watching football......or I'll have the radio on.