Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor
Wow!! First picture pouring rain. Non stop. Unit assembled. Everything adjusted or tightened. Still pouring. Screw it. Mix fuel, pour fuel in. Open petcock. Not much fuel comes into filter, pump the thumb primer...ok fuel flow. Roll down the driveway, pop clutch sorta firing.....
But not for long. First I tried starting it with full choke on. Fired but NO way. The choke full open, it lives!! Started but wouldn't run....soaking wet.....ride down the's running.....I coulda/shoulda choked it some as it didn't want to idle, back up driveway to garage to dry off. To darn wet.
Questions: I thought the screw (4.5 turns) on the left side of the carb was the mixture screw. Here's what the manual says:
BUT - At the very end of the manual it says:
What gives? What is that screw for? Is there another screw?
Thanks guys - I really appreciate the support.
But not for long. First I tried starting it with full choke on. Fired but NO way. The choke full open, it lives!! Started but wouldn't run....soaking wet.....ride down the's running.....I coulda/shoulda choked it some as it didn't want to idle, back up driveway to garage to dry off. To darn wet.
Questions: I thought the screw (4.5 turns) on the left side of the carb was the mixture screw. Here's what the manual says:
.......the adjustment of the mixture screw by rotating screw clockwise until seated and then rotate screw 4½ turns back counterclockwise....
BUT - At the very end of the manual it says:
If the rpm needs adjusting, turn the idle adjust screw (left side of carburetor) in or out....
What gives? What is that screw for? Is there another screw?
Thanks guys - I really appreciate the support.