got the bike running today with the stock tank, just to ride it.
the entire motor install took me about 5 hours. most of that was messing with the chain.
to make the Fat Franks fit better, i mounted the kit sprocket in this order: sprocket, backing plates, rubber donut, spokes, rubber donut, backing plates. basically, i put another set of plates in between the sprocket and the donut to space the sprocket out more. the chain still rubs, but no more than a normal tire would. but it's gonna leave those greasy saw-blade streaks all over the cream tire.
i don't think i'll be using them in the future. they're not really my style. but it's what the buyer wants.
i built this bike in the basic kit form for a coupla reasons. one, the buyer bought the kit and doesn't care about extras like sprocket adapters. two, i wanted to build a base model, entry level bike to see how it looks and to see how easy it is.
and it really is easy. no major mods had to be done, and it's pretty much a bolt on bike.
it rides really smooth, really solid, and really comfortable.
i'm gonna be building the tank next week and waiting on a different seat, then it's just a matter of fine tuning and detailing.
company news, i talked to "the company" today, and they're starting a new, seperate division for motorized bikes. the boss is supposed to get in touch with me monday. hopefully it's good news.
here's some lousy pics of the bike in the dark: