Introducing myself and my dual suspension BMX build!

I've got the motor out ATM, My shift kit is a cheapie, but similar.
Will get the bike out tomorrow and take some more photos.
There might be some photos in here somewhere, I'll have a look.
rob i see those headlights on ebay for around 35 from china or acerbis/ufo cost double and contain better lights. no big deal.

i could have posted pictures of my bike 6 months ago but i wanted to see others first before mine gets copied. i have a couple unique items.
a good mechanic will ask to dispose frames that cannot be straightened. total length on both sides should be less than 2mm difference.
- deviation means torched hubs and bad shifting that gets worse the harder u ride. as well as a few other things.

saying this doesnt mean u cant ride it but. you will pay for it slowly. how much and when is the only variable.

i had to say that. ride at own risk kinda deal.

bending it back like factory and removing 5mm from hub axle spacers will be correct.
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ogh balls! just ride it :) thats what its for right. gonna get some dings and scratches and broken parts no matter what.
It's really cool that we get to share our passion/hobby with people from all around the world. At least now I know I'm not the only crazy one haha.

You have some really cool builds. I've seen a couple of them before. That soft-tail you have is seriously rad. You do nice work and really know your stuff. Thanks for info and pics on the smaller sprocket setup. I had some doubts about it but I'm glad its worked out great for you. On my last build with 26" wheels and somewhat stock setup I rarely used my 7th gear(14t). It was just too tall. Maybe since I'm going down a size or two in the front the 7th gear will be more usable. I just didn't want to be revving high in 7th and now I don't think it will be a problem.

Something I just learned recently is those RT/Dellorto carbs have a fuel filter in the fuel inlet. It's pretty neat and they are replaceable for cheap. I plan to use an in tank/petcock filter and the one in the carb. Before I knew that though I was gonna run an inline filter like usual. Just a heads up.

Yeah, I've seen the headlights on ebay for $35. Those are the same as the one I got but I got it from treatland. I've never heard of the acerbis/ufo one like you mentioned. I googled it but couldn't find anything relevant. It's probably just a name someone gave this generic headlight. The one I have came with a little decal that says "Tun(R)"

Nothing wrong with wanting to soak up some info before you post what ya got. Thats what I did. All the questions I had I found answers to by using the search function. So, I never needed to make a post asking questions. But, Posting your bike for others to get ideas is what makes this forum so great. Showing those unique items might help another person on their build. It maybe just the solution they were looking for. Most people as well as me, take tid-bits that we like and would fit our build from other peoples bikes. I don't think anyone would straight copy your ride. Everyone has their own style and taste.

According to a well know quote by Charles Caleb Colton; "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." But I can see from an artist point of view it would be kinda irritating if someone takes your hard work and well thought out idea and just straight up makes the exact same thing. Although if they change it up and use their own imagination and ideas. That would be flattering because rather than a direct copy they are emulating the same style. And/or makes a new version of something old. Like the china girl and even the other clone motors. I doubt honda loses much sleep over the cloned motors. My bike is a clone of several bikes from the 70's but since those aren't around anymore and haven't been for a while it cool IMO. The carbs and other parts are often cloned as well and like honda, I doubt dellorto loses much sleep over the RT carb. There could be a huge discussion just on this. But let's get back to the bikes.

Your second post(#24) I don't quite get what you mean.

When I was a teen one of my bike got ran over when someone was backing out of the driveway. The rear chain/seatpost stays were all bent up and the wheel taco'd a little bit. Being at my grandmas at the time with limited tools, I used a big hammer to beat the bike and wheel back into shape. It took an hour or so but when I was done she rode nice and smooth again. I never thought I would fix a bike with a hammer. Sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do. **I would not recommend doing anything like this to a motor powered bike though.**

If you are referring to the rear dropouts/chainstays then no worries. They are fine. Nice and straight and true. I took my time and made sure it was all even and straight. I'll have a chain on it soon so we shall see.

I've been working on bikes for over a couple decades now. I've probably had between 50-60 bikes and worked on many more than that. Bicycles have been my main hobby since I was 5. I may not know it all but I get by and what I don't know I ALWAYS look up and do tons of research. I researched MBs for over two months before I bought my first kit, just so I would know the basics before getting into something I'm unfamiliar with.
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Got my SBP order today! I love those guys. Such a cool place and awesome products. I got a 36t sprocket and 36t chain guard. I also got a 30t and the 11t JS sprocket. As well as their new 152mm cranks. The stock SK cranks are 170mm and just a little too long for my 20" bike. I also got their engine hardware kit. I already had all allen head grade 8 bolts installed but since I decided to go with chrome engine covers I picked up the SBP hardware kit because it has stainless steel bolts for the covers.

More info and pics to come! I will also start a build thread soon and I will leave the link here when I do.
Oh, I see what you are saying now 66sub. The wheel and axle that i'm using came off of another dual suspension 20 bike. The axel is already as short as it can be. I only need about 1/4" of stretch between the rear dropouts. I didn't stretch the dropouts, I stretched the trailing arm/rear chainstays. I also made sure the drop outs where parallel after I stretched. If I had to go much farther than I did I probably would have went with an internal shifting hub or some other way. But most of them have the wide 135mm axle spacing and I've read not many of them can handle the power of our motors.
Thanks Cobra, she is my dream bike. About to get back to work on her. Take care and check in again. I'll have more pics soon.
Ok guys and gals,
With over 500 views I thought there might be more to be said about what I got so far. I understand its a LOT to read at the beginning of this post. Really the first two post are mainly about me(boring). But if you read from #3 on it gets to the good parts faster.

I have my new 36t chainring and guard on my shift kit. I ordered the 30t and the 36t chainring sprockets but ended up using the stock 36t on the inside and the new 36t on the outside(replace the stock 44t). I also got my 11t jackshaft sprocket but it was just a hair too big and made the chain rub the clutch cover. However with the new dual 36t setup and the stock 10t jackshaft sprocket the chain just barely missed the clutch guard. There are some really tight spots on this build(headaches) and its made it take twice as long or longer to do anything. A lot of parts on and off again for mods. Thats part of the fun though.

I have my jackshaft(both sides) and my main chains on. All looks good. The main chain just barely misses the rear brake arm mounts, but it does miss it! So thats a good thing.

My derailleur is on and just needs the final adjustments. The new shorter crank arms are a life saver and fit my build better than the stock longer cranks. On the new cranks I have my new moped pedals and I'm in love. I don't think I'll go back to regular bike pedals again. The moped pedals are thick and kinda heavy but they are solid rubber and way more comfy than the pointy plastic or metal ones. When I was a kid I would jump my bikes a lot and when your foot slips off a pedal and the other one comes around and blasts you in the shin, you wont like metal ones anymore either. Especially the ones with all the metal teeth(rat-trap style). Those teeth never helped my shoes grip but would always "grip" my shins too much haha.

Got most of the basics done. Now all I need to do to finish mock up is; make a tank mount, mount tank, wiring, mount/mod SBP expansion chamber and final adjustments on all the parts. I will have more pics up soon. Come check back in. Once I get the mock up the way I want then I will start a build thread.

Thanks for having a look but stop by and let me know what ya think of what I got so far! You alls opinion is really the only one that matters to me. Let me know what ya like/dont like or if you have any questions fire away!
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Well done Rob,
I can see a few challenges in my Dual suspension build also, but good choice in frame.
My only suggestion at this point would be a little bit of strengthening of the swing arm to the pivot with a couple of triangular 'webs'.
Otherwise looks like a good strong bike.
Thanks Theon,
Thats a good idea and if I had a welder I would be all over that. But, I'm a light guy only 125lbs. I will keep an eye on that area and if it becomes a weak spot I will reinforce it for sure. I hope to get a welder soon there are just so many other things I need before it.

I got some tinkering done earlier and I'm about to get back at it. I forgot how much there is to building a bike from the ground up. I plan to build another(or two more) bike(s) after this one. And maybe some to sell.

I like to take my time and as Bairdco and others have said I like to do the whole smoke(don't start kids) my ecig and stare at my bike. I get a lot of engineering done that way.

Got my chrome engine covers with the sound deadening material on the motor. They look pretty good 5 feet away, just don't look too close. The chrome finish isnt exactly a perfect mirror. They really set my mostly black bike/motor off. Should look really good once I do final paint and decals. I gotta finish this tank mount, wiring and exhaust. I'm gonna try to get some new pics up tomorrow.
Got a few things done. Got the tank mount done. Installed the fold up foot pegs. The seat is long enough for two(small peeps). So the pegs will be nice for that but also, if I wanna have my feet even and kinda to the rear I could use them.

Now I just need to clean the tank out, install the exhaust, adjust derailleur and brakes and a few other odds and ends. Not shown in these pics I have my tail/brake light/turn signals installed. It's not permanent but what I'll use for now until I order some 12v turn signals and use my 12v fender mounted tail light.

I will have more progress and pics in the next couple days. Can't wait to fire this new motor up and see what it can do.

The mirrors in these pics are just kinda on there. Not adjusted in any way. The blue tape on the rear brake cable is to hold that end in while I was making adjustments. Not done foolin with them so its still there til I get them the way I want.

So far everything has worked out better than I could have hoped for. I have been very lucky. As you can see there are tight spaces on this frame and I have never seen anyone else do one with a shift kit. This was also my first single to 7 speed conversion. I didn't know for sure if I could get all the parts and pieces to fit.

Thanks for looking. Check back in I'll be adding stuff all the time. Let me know what you think!


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Nice work Rob,
Your Gearing should be a fraction on the high side if not perfect at a guess.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Tank looks spot on, and gives the bike a bit more vintage.
Here are some pics. I will have more when I do the build thread. These pics are of the bike in mock up. The fairing isn't fully on. The tank is sitting on some shop towels. Nothing is hooked up and everything is just kinda sitting there, besides the seat.
As you can see the stock SBP outside bottom bracket sprocket is too close to the motor to run the chain in a straight line. I ordered a couple smaller sprockets to play around with. They should be here in a day or two. Everything so far has barely fit and/or need modifications to make work. This build isn't going together like a normal build would. I have nothing to go off of. So there is a lot of trial and error as well as putting parts on and pulling them off to modify. I am extremely lucky it's got this far! Lots of fun so far though.

I wasn't even outside 5 minutes to take these pics. The second car that drove passed pulled over and ask if he could buy it! I told him it's not done yet and it's my dream bike. But I told him I would build him one. He said he will be getting back to me!

My goal with this build is to make my bike look like it came from the factory that way, if ya know what I mean? Stock looking yet slightly modified. I also want people to ask "What is that!?".shft.

What do you guys think?

This bike reminds me of a bicycle my brother and I had back in the early to mid 80's it was made by Yamaha and my dad bought my younger brother and I both one for Christmas one year, I still have my old frame but all the other parts got stollen several years ago.

Anyone remember the bike Im talking about?

Great job so far on that bike by the way....

I have thought about making a mini bike scooter outta mine using a 79cc 4 stroke and a a wheel sheave for a belt drive, may never get it done but it would sure be a fun little bike to cruise around the back roads on Im sure.

Thanks Theon,
That's what I'm thinking/hoping as far as the gearing. With the same size rear sprocket set on my 26" bike 7th gear was not very useful. I'm thinking with the smaller front driven sprocket(36t instead of stock 44t) and the 20" tires, I should be able to use 7th and have more low end gearing throughout the full range. Should get up to speed a little quicker(hopefully). Not that I had problems on my last setup but this one should be a little more snappy just from the gearing. Since my gearing takes care of the low end, I have built my motor and exhaust for top end high rev screaming.

I'm glad I could be an inspiration. That means a lot to me. I got really lucky with that tank. I had originally bid on a different tank and got out bid at the last minute. That tank had a ding and was in rough shape and would not have worked or looked as good as the one I got. The shape and size of the tank I have just fits the style I was wanting perfect and was a NOS tank in really good shape.

Got my SBP expansion chamber on. I'm using a shorter header than most but like I said its built/"tuned" for high revs. Finally all I have left to do is adjust my derailleur and rear brake! The exhaust looks good. Can't wait to hear her purr.

So, I should be able to go for a ride tomorrow/when I wake up. I will snap some pics and post in the next couple days. I still have to install the fenders, tail light, battery, mini-gen, charger, light switch. Then I'll do final paint. I will eventually add front and rear turn signals, and decals.

Yes in an earlier post I talked about the Yamaha Moto-bikes. Wow you are lucky those are some awesome bikes. I bet you guys where the coolest kids on the block for sure. The Yamaha Moto-bike was made from 1974-76. Kawasaki, the Ross bicycle company and many others also made similar dual-suspension bmx bikes in that time period. Those bike now bring a pretty penny and some of their parts are way up there. The Japanese import versions are all tricked out and bring big bucks.

I didn't know about the old dual suspension bikes when I ordered the DS-20. When I first got it I was thinking about using a banana seat and searching ebay I found a Yamaha Moto-bike for sale. They are highly coveted and in some peoples opinion the "holy grail" of bmx bikes.

Was that pic of your bike? I don't think the one in the pic is a Yamaha moto-bike but one of the others from that time. Each year the Moto-bike was a little different and you can tell what year by the options it has compare to the other years. The first year was only a regular bmx seat then they added a banana seat in 75. The chain guards are different each year and a few other things. They are very heavy duty and the DS-20 looks even beefier. Its pretty heavy but that comes with having triple trees and two shocks in back.

Thanks for the complement. Your mini bike scooter idea sounds good. I'd like to see something like that. The dual suspension is gonna spoil me.

I'll back on tonight if I get to go for a ride and let you all know how it goes. Ill snap some pics too so check back in.
No the bike in the pic isnt mine and yes it does look different than my Yamaha Moto Frame, the frame and original cranks is all I have left of that bike, mine is Yellow and Black lettering and some grphics, I have left the bike in town at my mothers home for many years, all the parts got stolen off of it and my brothers entire bike was stolen, I'm very fortunate to even have the frame of mine, yes it may have been mid to late 70's when we got them, but I think it was actually about 1979 now that I think about it, they were bought new At the local Yamaha dealership just before Christmas that year, they may have been NOS at that time, I do know we were told we better take good care of them because they were expensive bikes in that time.

I'll take a pic or two of my frame today some time and post it here so you can see which one mine is.
