I'm tired of flaky people


New Member

I've been trying to sell some stuff on Craigslist for a while now (to fund my MB ambitions), but keep getting people that are interested in stuff, and then just drop off the face of the planet.

I talked to one guy last night that was interested in something, and he sounded very excited about it. Hopefully he calls me back today and actually gets it tonight. I'll be getting like $160 for the item, which would be perfect because I just found a bike on craigslist that has a "80cc" motor already on it for $115! I emailed the seller a bit ago, just waiting to hear back on it...

I just pray this guy doesn't flake on me like the rest have.
It might just be that the money they thought they had has evaporated for one reason or another. Given the economic situation at the moment its belt tightening for everyone :(

hope you have luck with this person..

Jemma xx
A bike with a motor for 115?!? Maybe he couldn't "get it right" and there really is nothing wrong with it?
idunno. He said it was running rough, but I contacted him today and he says he's got it all tuned and running well. he's moving to an apartment and will have no place to store it I guess.

There's one person in front of me unfortunately. I told him I'd give him $140, and the other person was willing to match that, so I'll have to just wait and see (and hope that person is flaky, lol). it's on a pretty decent bike too, a schwinn moab.

There's another MB that's been on craigslist for a while, though they're asking $600. it's a SpookyTooth bike, though the ad doesn't say so. A little rich for my blood, and I'd rather put it together myself :)

I have a feeling I'll have 2 sales go through tonight...keeping my fingers crossed.
Oi, just as I thought. Another flake.

Jemma, if the money they thought they had evaporated for some reason, that's fine. What bugs me is the people that are all hyped up to get something and don't show when you're waiting for them, or say they'll call you the next day to set up a time to meet and never call and don't answer their phone or emails.

It's the falling off the face of the planet that bugs the crap out of me.

So now because I've got another 2 flakes on my hands, if the other offer for the MB falls through, I'm going to be forced to flake out as that sale was the only way I'd have the money for the bike.
Some lights for a reef aquarium is the main thing.

I was able to sell my old electric guitar last night though.

I'm setting up right now to meet with someone tomorrow morning for the light. Hopefully that goes well. If this sells and that guy's other deal on the bike falls through, a bike will be mine :) If his deal goes through though, my money will most likely go to bills and I'll be forced to wait longer yet again :(

Sorry, had to put that in all caps :)

So I ended up paying $140 for it, cause I was trying to outbid the other guy, who ended up flaking anyway. Oh well.

Not sure if I'm going to move the motor to my Nishiki or leave it on this one. This has cantilever brakes which I despise. I like my linear pull brakes :)

Seems to run pretty decently. The clutch cable needs to be lubed BADLY, it's pretty tough to pull in.

But hey, I gots one.

not my pics, these were on the Craigslist post. It's sitting in my car (just picked it up) and I'm at work, lol.


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so maybe someone's flakiness worked in your favor this time? that's great - i hope you've got a good engine outta the deal. congrats!

maybe you can swap brakes if you like the Schwinn?
In today's world, "them" flakes far outnumber "us".
I've got a theory...digressing from motorbikes...where societal values of the USA changed. I think it was WWII. When there was a sudden and drastic loss of home-life stability. A suddenly-forced generation of those raised by "single" working mothers....the first time men en masse were away from their family for extended periods, forcing wives to work to sustain the family. The first mass breaking up of homes. Once a generation isn't directly exposed to something (previously taught by example from Pa), the next one has no clue of it. Responsibility and accountability were never learned once kids started to learn how to live/behave from others kids...AKA daycare. Then those kids who learned from those kids has grown what we have today...irresponsibility and self-centeredness, vs. family-centeredness.
Maybe this Ot subject is better left to the Tavern....I agree there are a lot of flakes in the world.

I know the civil war and WWI left many homes without fathers.

I think "it" started when the ad executives and wall street got a hold and people started to have to have bigger-better-shinier-faster and impress the neighbors. Then in the 60's and don't even get me started on the 70's thing went to ****.

I will also add I think it's a sad commentary on this country when there are things like T-ball where no one strikes out and everybody gets a trophy, no matter how bad they suck.

I grew up with no father and I went out of my way to make sure my daughter got some values and morals, something I had to teach myself.
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Yeah, in this case I am very glad two people flaked out. I guess the first guy "forgot" to show up TWICE, and the second guy just stopped answering his phone and emails (gee, that sounds familiar)

Honestly though, I've really started to become disappointed in society in general. And I'm not even one of the old timers that can say "I remember when.." I guess I was just one of the lucky ones to get an ideals kick-start from my parents, and was able to form my own ideal structure once I left home.

I only hope if/when my wife and I have kids that I can instill the same sense of morality in them and hopefully make this world a little better. Only thing is it really sucks when you're surrounded by d-bags, you start to feel like there's no hope for you.
Not to bring up a dead thread, but I understand EXactly what you are going thru. I am emailing someone online right now about an 80cc kit they have. It would be kind of nice to know either way, whether it sold or not.
Welcome to the world of Craigslist Jason!
I've bought and sold a bunch of stuff on there and I found out even if the price is rock bottom, there still going to haggle with you. I've learned to weed out the flakes. I've even told a couple of guys that I ended up selling it to another person because they flaked the first time (even though I still had the item).
When I want something on there I always write "Have cash in hand and ready to buy with no haggling" It's always worked for me. Even if the item isn't up to par, I'll tell the seller. It's not what I expected I'll give you $xxx right now and that seems to always work as well.
Flake alert!!!!!
I sold a scooter on ebay last Thurs....the lady calls me and makes arrangements for me to deliver it for an extra 200 bucks. I told two other folks it was sold.

Today, she calls me and starts whining to me about her poor life and transmission, ect. blah blah blah...

I politely said "Thanks for wasting my time and the 30 dollars it cost to list." She said "Well, I"m the one in the junk yard looking for a new transmission...." I hung up on her.

ebay will not allow negative feedback to be given to buyers anymore. I have to wait 7 days for unpaid item claim to get part of my listing fees back, AND if I second chance offer it to somebody else and it sells, I HAVE TO PAY EBAY ANOTHER 40 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!
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I've never sold on ebay before (tried to once, but the item didn't sell), but have bought a few things. I don't really understand why they're changing the whole feedback system, honestly.

That's pretty lame that you're stuck with the ebay bill. how much do you get back once you file the claim?

That's why I only sell things in places that have free listings. Unfortunately that's where all the flakes hang out too :(