I'm stumped

I raced motorcycles in Texas & Mexico and I learned along the way the ways of performance. One line I read in a motorcycles publication years ago was (cleanliness is next to Godliness as cleanliness is to go).
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You might want to get an expansion chamber exhaust pipe from sickbikeparts.com. It's $65, and works great(so I've heard). My pipe got clogged, it doesn't unscrew, so I cut the bottom open, shoved a long screwdriver in the pipe(make sure it goes to the curve in the top). The cat you need to remove is a really tough piece of honeycomb metal welded in there. With a combination of pushing the cat out the top and pulling some out with long needle nose pliers, you should be able to pull the whole thing out.

Or you could just get a performance exp. pipe, or a new stock pipe.

Hopefully you get things worked out!
My pipe was hard to do, I think the cat was welded in(poor animal ;) ). I had to grab pieces of it with pliers and yank them out, when I was done there was the center of the cat that was punched out by the screwdriver, and then the edges of it were all torn out so it was nice and clean.
THe problem was with the muffler. The catalytic converter was so clogged the engine couldn't run correctly. With the muffler removed the engine had all kinds of power. So now I think I will take the muffler apart and remove the catalytic converter (sorry Al Gore) because the really ran great with the muffler removed. I guess I wanted people to know that a loss of power over time, with nothing seeming to help, indicates that the problem is not in the fuel intake but rather with the exhaust. Also, even though the literature that comes with the bike instruct one to use a 16:1 gas to oil mixture, in my opinion this is too rich and ended up killing my power and causing all kinds of unneeded tinkering. I hope this is a help to someone
You must be feeling great that you solved your problem, there's not a lot of things to really check. Yet when you have any kind of problem it sort of freeze's the logic for a short time. I always think this thing is so simple how could anything go wrong. Glad to here your fix worked, how tough was taking that muffler apart?