i'm really starting to hate UPS

I'v had 1 thing go lost in the mail with USPS but never with UPS.. UPS is more expensive, but your also paying for the insurance.. I do use USPS most of the time because it's closer to drive to the post office, than drive to the drop off at the hardware store 2 towns over ( and they charge $2 to handle your package ).. but for larger/ more expensive stuff, I use UPS.
The saga continues...
An engine was due to arrive today via FedEx from BGF. It has been a while since I've ordered anything, but have had a couple other engines and some parts from BGF over the past year which arrived without a problem. It was UPS who screwed up last time. I went on line to check the status of the delivery and saw that iit was delivered and left at the garage. Only problem is I don't have a garage. The immediate neighbors don't know anything about it. WTF? How am I supposed to track this down? It would be nice if a phone number was provided in case something went wrong or the box was damaged, but there's nothing of course since they don't want you to call them. Tomorrow I get to waste my time trying to figure out where my motor is. According to FedEx, their job is done. It was delivered and did not require a signature.
I think being able to go online to check the status of a delivery is a good thing, but something even better would be a simple way to leave feedback on the delivery, just as you leave feedback on eBay. "Did the package arrive on time? Was it in good condition? Was it delivered to the correct location? Was the delivery person courteous?" Why isn't there a way to give feedback? I think it is because they don't care any more than UPS cares. I imagine that the carriers are under pressure to make a lot of deliveries as quickly as possible and mostly want to empty out the trucks.
I have a lot of anger over this as the address is right on the mailbox at the end of the lane out in the country. What possible excuse is there when this is their business? I have never once had grief from USPS or a lost package. Not once. The number of times Fedex has forgotten where I live back in Minnesota is incredible.
Ah well, needed to vent a bit.
I no longer have ups delivery at my house. I live 1/2 mile back in the woods and I used to have 6 bulldogs, none of them were bad dogs. The ups guy came one hot day with his door open. One of my dogs was loose when he came. Before he stopped he started yelling at my dog and she thought he was going to attack me I guess. She made a break for him and he left the driver seat for the back of the truck. I managed to snag the dog before she got to him. The truck with all three of us inside came to a stop against one of my trees. I don't what kind of story he told at the office but they said no delivery's to my house as long as I had the dogs. I told them that my dogs were more important to me than their services. And that is how it stands today.