...Im going outside... I may be some time...

Jemma Hawtrey

New Member
Hi all,

I might disappear for a while fairly shortly... its not because im bored of the subject...

Some of you here know my situation, some dont. I am not going to rehash that here. At the moment my partner is in hospital terminally ill. She is not expected to survive longer than a couple of months, she sleeps most of the time, and is constantly in pain. What makes this all harder is she is only 22 years old.

When what must happen happens, I will be in no fit state for a while to be online or talking to people so I make my excuses in advance if I seem to disappear for a bit... I will be back when I have done what I will need to do and dealt with the situation enough to get back into the swing of life in general.

I just thought I should let people know

Jemma xx
I'm sorry to hear about your partner. Take care of yourself and your MB Family will still be here when you return.
Take care,
Feel free to PM me or others if you need to talk.

I have some experience with your sort of situation.
An update on the situation. Sasha is sleeping more than she was but is still lucid when she is awake. Her pain is well controlled although her blood pressure has been a little high recently.

I asked her an important question last night - I am still awaiting her answer.

I'll let you know what happens a how she is whenever there are changes.

Thank you again all for your support and kind words. It means alot to both of us..

Jemma xx
Well you remember to take care of yourself as well as your friend. She would want that I'm sure. Sleep enough and try to eat well little things that don't seem important are.

The day I arrived in the republic of Vietnam, most of my life ago, I was met by an old hand there. He said, "Lesson one here is save yourself first. Because you can't save me if you are dead."

At first I thought that was selfish then I realized it really wasn't. Like he said you can't save anyone else if you aren't well. Ride your bike carefully.
Hi Deacon,

Thats good advice. Just wish I could make a save in this situation :( but thats beyond my abilities. I just have to give all the support I can and be there as much as I can.

Thank you for the nice thoughts :)

I got the riding hat because having compared the two the riding hat is alot stronger and better padded than the cycle helmet. If people are interested there are some available that are vented and more like a cycle/motorcycle helmet - but designed for falls from 17 hands or more at 30+mph.

Jemma xx
I understand. I lost my wife 3 yrs ago to cancer. I wear a pink baseball hat so as I can show others she is not forgotten. A bearded biker wearing a pink had is not that common. If I can help please don't hesitate to call on me of any of Our little family. Saddletramp
Honey if you can't save a life, then try to save a soul. Maybe not in the religious sense but in the be at peace with the universe sense.

Do what you can with what you got. You will know what to do, and when to do it I'm sure.
I understand. I lost my wife 3 yrs ago to cancer. I wear a pink baseball hat so as I can show others she is not forgotten. A bearded biker wearing a pink had is not that common. If I can help please don't hesitate to call on me of any of Our little family. Saddletramp

Im so sorry. You have my sympathies. Sasha used to event and ride horses - personally I hate the things - but its something I am prepared to try as a memory thing... The feeling is mutual, if you want to talk just PM me - I'm a good listener even if sometimes the answers I come up with are a little left field.
Something I am doing is I promised to act as a surrogate big sister for her sister Julee. Julee has a condition where she has no middle/inner ear - shes deaf, cannot speak, has an IQ well into the 160s and yet is treated like an idiot by people because they have no clue how to talk to her. She cannot balance properly either. If I can look after Julee then at least I will have done something and in a way I will sort of have a family myself and a part of Sasha to keep with me...
Its likely that I will need a fair amount of support and help through all this, as I would offer help to others who need it.

Jemma xx
Honey if you can't save a life, then try to save a soul. Maybe not in the religious sense but in the be at peace with the universe sense.

Do what you can with what you got. You will know what to do, and when to do it I'm sure.

Im not really religious in the usual sense, I have a faith but its not really something to get into here. needless to say its a little unusual (quelle surprise rotfl )

I will do everything I can for her to ease her path - I know my talent isnt healing like hers is - but I think the most important thing for her is to know someone is there and loves her. All her friends have abandoned her, online and meatspace as well - which I sorta understand - cos its hard to watch someone die when she should have been graduating college with you in 12 months.

Im gonna upset myself if I talk about it any more - but thank you all for your kind concern for the both of us. It really does mean alot.

Jemma xx
Tech Tip! Don't take your dog for a walk wearing wet flip flops. (on stairs) She pulled, I slipped, and landed on my back pockets! LOL Safety first, make the dog wear flip flops to
that way your on equal terms Later Tramp
Ms. Jemma,

Very sorry about he sufferings or your friend Sasha.

Can you send me an email on exactly what has happened?

Write a thesis if you need to.
