i think its broken


New Member
tried to start it up tonight. but it wouldnt start. then there was this sound and after that a sound that sounded like scraping. looked at the chain but the chain was fine, wheeled it back to the gaurage. saw a line of liquid on the ground. not sure if it was gas... the rubbing was the clutch plates. the three nobby parts are rubbing the casing. dont know what to do. im really really upset. i was looking forward to riding it somewhere other then around the block.
Line of liq is fuel it its a china If everthing is intact on your china? there always a little chattery. May have to adjust your float? Just pondering keep us posted, may need pict to speed up your repair
"Three nobby parts rubbing the casing"...pictures? Rub when? All the time, or when the clutch is pulled.

Cable break?
Something come loose?
ok. this morning when i woke up i went to check it out again. i took some pics for you guys this time. this time it started up... BUT.... it doesnt sound right or feel right. and when i pull the clutch in to peddle the sprocket works and moves great. but when the engine is running and i pull that clutch in to keep the engine from dieing it dies anyway. so it has to be the clutch right?

see those three nobby things on the clutch plate? i circled them in red. they stick out too much....
they are causing it to carve into the casing.... thats what that circle is on the caseing.


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so i keep tinkering with it. i got the nobs to stop rubbing. but now when its running it runs good....

but when i pull the clutch, even when im actually running, the engine automatically dies. when i release the clutch and give it gas i can get it going right back up.

i dont understand.
Try adjusting your idel screw on the carb....while your at it check for vacuum leaks just in case.

What did you do to stop it from rubbing? I think someone else had the same problem but they took the dremel and made enough Clearance.
Yes, turn the screw on the side of the carb one turn in and see what happens. Do another turn, if you need to, check it. Let us know.
Ok, The rod presses against the center of the clutch & forces it out to dis engage the clutch plates. They may be hitting the case and stalling the motor. With a rachet and socket (torque wrench) is better, place your hand just below the head on the rachet and see how tight the three bolts are. The bolts should be tight. If not there is your problem. Springs are behind the bolts to hold the clutch plates in the engaged mode. Or that is the way a motorcycle works. When I get time I will take a motor apart to see how it's made. Havent had to split the case on one yet.
take off your clutch completely make sure that the main bearings are seated in the case light hammer blows with a wood block so you don't damage anything will help you might even have some spacers behind the clutch assembly and you might want to remove them. It looks like the bearings are not seated properly and you big gear/clutch is not all the way on the main shaft. you can remove the main shaft by taking off the front sprocket and the clutch assembly then tap the whole thing out from the sprocket side hit only the center shaft and be sure to use plastic , wood or brass against the threaded shaft or you will damage it. you will be able to see the big spring inside or between the two main bearing that IS the clutch spring the small spring behind the pressure plate is there to help keep the clutch off the pads when the clutch is pulled in.
Look at my post on the complete tear down it might help. take your time and do not force anything now you will get to use the gear puller that came with the kit.
Holler if you run into problems. More than what you already have.
May have to make a thicker gasket to use as a spacer to giver some more clearance between the clutch plate the the cover.