I think I got to have one.....


New Member
Hello to all from another newbie,
Well today for the first time I saw pictures of bike motor kits. Years ago I saw the ones that hang off the back and rest on the tire but those never got my attention. I was scanning craigslist under motorcycles looking for vintage jap bikes and there it was. An ad for a motor kit that mounts in the frame of your bike. I went to ebay and there were tons of these things for sell. The picture in the ad kinda look like an old turn of the century motorcycles. Well.. the turn or the last century. Anyway, I want to build one and I have a few questions. I know.. I should read the FAQ's and search the posts but I thought it would be good just to hear from some of you guys and gals and get a feel for the site.

1-Why are the 49cc and the 80cc kits the same price?
2-Are there kits larger than 80cc out there?
3-Are they all 2-stroke or do they come in 4-stroke?
4-What are some of the things to look out for when buying a kit?
5-How long will they last if used on a daily bases, say 10 miles a day?
6-Anyone ever do a long trip, say 100 miles at one time, and how did it hold up?

Thanks, Katmol
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1-Why are the 49cc and the 80cc kits the same price?
In a lot of places, under 50cc can be used legally...the "80cc" has a little more power, but I hear the 50's run smoother.
2-Are there kits larger than 80cc out there?
No. At least not these chinese in-frame types. Some have adapted other engines.
3-Are they all 2-stroke or do they come in 4-stroke?
There are four strokes available.
4-What are some of the things to look out for when buying a kit?
Buy from one of the major dealers with good customer service...thatsdax, spookytooth cycles, livefast motors, are some good ones.
5-How long will they last if used on a daily bases, say 10 miles a day?
5000 miles is not unheard of.
6-Anyone ever do a long trip, say 100 miles at one time, and how did it hold up?
I have done one that long, a couple very close to that, and several of 50++ miles, no problem.
Thanks, Katmol

Welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the forum, take your time deciding, there are lots of options, but the bottom line is "these things are just fun to build and ride" so have fun
1-Why are the 49cc and the 80cc kits the same price?
Basically because they are the same engine, only a slight difference. I say cheese the system and get the biggest and start modifying. You have more grunt to start with. That is how a 69cc is better than a 49cc.

2-Are there kits larger than 80cc out there?
Not in kit form. There are larger engines out there, but there are limits to what a bike frame can hold.

3-Are they all 2-stroke or do they come in 4-stroke?
You can get 4 strokes, but IMHO the 4 stroke isn't anywhere as easy bolt on. They both have pluses and minuses. 4 stroke will just plain cost more.

4-What are some of the things to look out for when buying a kit?

Stay away from the no support sellers if you plan on working with the seller. If you want to do stuff yourself, balance price with getting the upgraded parts. You can learn what the better parts are by reading....from clutch lever and throttle to bearings vs. bushes, there are options.

5-How long will they last if used on a daily bases, say 10 miles a day?

You live in Idaho? Good luck in early January!! Maybe a couple years, maybe more. IF you do the right thing with the mods....

6-Anyone ever do a long trip, say 100 miles at one time, and how did it hold up?

This is where you kick in. No way would I expect a strap on to last just build per the terrible instructions more the 20 minutes of straight riding. You'll need to replace the studs, replace the head nuts (and studs), replace some gaskets, put a new fuel valve, new spark plug and wire, etc. Point being, do this stuff up front (fun and VERY easy) and then riding 200 miles+ and you'll have such a **** eatin' grin on your face people will think.....well let people think their own perverted thoughts.