Hello to all from another newbie,
Well today for the first time I saw pictures of bike motor kits. Years ago I saw the ones that hang off the back and rest on the tire but those never got my attention. I was scanning craigslist under motorcycles looking for vintage jap bikes and there it was. An ad for a motor kit that mounts in the frame of your bike. I went to ebay and there were tons of these things for sell. The picture in the ad kinda look like an old turn of the century motorcycles. Well.. the turn or the last century. Anyway, I want to build one and I have a few questions. I know.. I should read the FAQ's and search the posts but I thought it would be good just to hear from some of you guys and gals and get a feel for the site.
1-Why are the 49cc and the 80cc kits the same price?
2-Are there kits larger than 80cc out there?
3-Are they all 2-stroke or do they come in 4-stroke?
4-What are some of the things to look out for when buying a kit?
5-How long will they last if used on a daily bases, say 10 miles a day?
6-Anyone ever do a long trip, say 100 miles at one time, and how did it hold up?
Thanks, Katmol
Well today for the first time I saw pictures of bike motor kits. Years ago I saw the ones that hang off the back and rest on the tire but those never got my attention. I was scanning craigslist under motorcycles looking for vintage jap bikes and there it was. An ad for a motor kit that mounts in the frame of your bike. I went to ebay and there were tons of these things for sell. The picture in the ad kinda look like an old turn of the century motorcycles. Well.. the turn or the last century. Anyway, I want to build one and I have a few questions. I know.. I should read the FAQ's and search the posts but I thought it would be good just to hear from some of you guys and gals and get a feel for the site.
1-Why are the 49cc and the 80cc kits the same price?
2-Are there kits larger than 80cc out there?
3-Are they all 2-stroke or do they come in 4-stroke?
4-What are some of the things to look out for when buying a kit?
5-How long will they last if used on a daily bases, say 10 miles a day?
6-Anyone ever do a long trip, say 100 miles at one time, and how did it hold up?
Thanks, Katmol
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