I need help mounting to my OCC chopper!

Just search for "OCC Chopper" and there will be a plethora of threads on that bike. Some members have photos showing how they did it, maybe that will help.
My bike is an OCC chopper. It is easier than you might think. I got a motor mount from barry on ebay. I also got a custom exhaust from barry on ebay.

Motorized Schwinn OCC Chopper Bicycle MOTOR KIT MOUNT - eBay (item 270399402289 end time Jun-05-09 10:31:49 PDT)

Motorized Schwinn Stingray OCC Chopper Bicycle Exhaust - eBay (item 270398405547 end time Jun-03-09 16:26:10 PDT)

You just send him your stock one and he will modify it to fit the occ stingray bike. People say there is a problem mounting the sprocket to the rear hub but for me it was simple. Just drill through the hub and bolt it on, its that easy. You also have to get a longer chain. hope this is helpful.
I hope your build goes well. I will try to get some pictures of my bike on here soon to show you what yours could look like.
Barry (on ebay) is now offering a motor mount/exhaust pipe/chain adjuster package deal for the occ stingray, for under $1oo.oo
Livefastmotors makes a mount that doesn't require drilling holes in the frame. I have the Barry's mount and if I had it to do over again I would have used the livefastmotors mount or made one like it.
the livefast one works, but me n azvinnie had 2 of them develop cracks !!! :(
that was about 3 years ago tho, they may be made of better stock now ;)
hmm,all I saw at LFM was a occ kit for $185 had a mount,sprocket adapter and tail pipe.seemed kinda steep to me.I just ordered a chopper bike motor mount from BGF on e bay for $35.hope its worth a crap i havent got it yet