I need help getting my motor running!

You need to make a few more posts before you can link addresses. Only 5 i think. Whats wrong with you're engine?
First off, I didn't post any address links in my original message. Not sure what's up with that but anyway....

Here's the problem. I've gotten my motor installed, all wires hooked up correctly, getting spark, but I can't seem to keep the motor running for more than a few seconds.

The first time I fired it up it ran for about 15 seconds but died shortly thereafter. The instructions leave much to be desired as far as the proper air/fuel setting (RAW 66cc engine), proper spark plug gap, and where the @#$% is the idle screw. There's a small screw near the bottom of the carb that has a gasket on the end. I assume that's the idle screw, but when I unscrew it just a little, it leaks gas. I imagine a little teflon tape will fix that. I'm also starting the motor with the choke on.

Also, the local dealer I bought it from told me that I should mix 8oz of oil for a one gallon tank. The problem is, he knows that it's only a half gallon tank. I know that not putting enough oil in can damage the motor, but can putting too much in cause damage as well?
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No, that screw is to drain the carb. the screw you want is just above that and it goes in to up the idle. Way , way too much oil, way too much! Go with 20 parts oil to one part gas.

corrections for fuel mix 20 parts to 1 part. or 20oz. fuel to 1 oz. of oil
mix fuel in seperate container then pour it into the tank.
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No, that screw is to drain the carb. the screw you want is just above that and it goes in to up the idle. Way , way too much oil, way too much! Go with 20 parts oil to one part gas.

Okay...this would be the screw with the spring on it, right? Also, excuse me for being an idiot, lol, but I have some trouble figuring how many parts to parts for oil mixture...can you give me a figure in ounces for a half gallon tank?

So if the screw with the spring is the idle adjustment, where's the air/fuel mixture screw?
That's not too much oil for a new motor, assuming you are putting in 8oz for 1gal. If you're going by the tankful, you'd want 4oz. I would consider getting a 1gal gas can and mixing in that though.

The idle screw is near the "tickler" button (gold and pokes out the side of the carb and you can push it down). it'll be a screw with a spring on it.

You can use a wide range of plug gaps on these. I'd try 0.025-0.030 and see how that works.

Also, make sure you have no air leaks in the intake path. Hard to do when the motor doesn't run, so just seal the manifold to the cylinder with RTV, and put a little on the manifold before you slide the carb on.

There is no air/fuel screw. it is adjusted by a clip on the needle inside the carb.
Well, I don't think that there's a leak from the carb to the manifold, as the guy who sold it to me gave me an O-ring to put inside the carb where it meets the manifold. I tried moving the clamp further up to tighten the connection at that point, but it hasn't made any change.

The only time I was able to get it to run for any length of time was before I added the oil that I thought I was missing. Is it possible that too much oil is preventing it from running? Now, it won't even turn over. The plug was a little wet (not dripping wet, but I could smell gas inside the plug hole), so I think I may have flooded the engine, but I don't have a torque wrench, or an air compresser, and am very leary of pulling the motor apart to dry it out. I've already broken an exhaust bolt, and I certainly don't want to break a head bolt, or over or under torque the head bolts.

FYI, I drained the tank into my gas can, sealed the gas can, shook it around for a few minutes, and poured it back into the tank to mix the oil and fuel a little better. If there is too much oil, obviously I can't filter the oil from the gas and start over...what do I do with this useless gas mixture?

By the way, I just used one of those handy online converters, and found that a half gallon equals 64 ounces. So, by toytime's scale, I should have only roughly 3.5 to 4 ounces of oil, not 8.
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Drain the carb, you may have oil only in it if you tried mixing it in the tank.
Mix up a batch at 20: 1 or 24:1 and try it. Push the tickler down for 3 seconds, then pull the choke up about half to three quarters of the way and pedal it. Let the clutch out with the throttle cracked open and see what happens. Sometimes you have to play with the choke a little to get them to keep running.

You can pour that small amount of gas/oil mixture in your car, it won't hurt anything.

To dry out the engine, just remove the plug and spin the engine over by pushing the bike a few feet. Make sure the plug is grounded, or you have your finger on the kill switch when you do that so you don't hurt the mag/CDI.

Also, the air leak mentioned happens where the intake gasket is between the intake manifold and the engine. Take it off and smear some RTV or silicone on both sides of the gasket.
Ok. Just FYI, I'm running this motor without the kill switch for the time being. I just want to get this thing running before I start adding stuff to the wiring, especially since the instructions didn't give me much to go on with respect to wiring the switch anyway.

So I'll take a trip to the auto parts store and get some RTV. Also, can I use RTV to seal up the wires to the magneto, or is it pressure or heat activated like loctite...do I need to use silicon instead?
silicone =RTV is room temp. cure put it on a it will set with out heat or doing any sort of strange dance or sacrificing a chicken.
Loctite is a anaerobic curing stuff it set in the absence of air for locking nut and studs and bearing races etc. Blue is the simplest to use as you can undo it with out applying heat.
They also make a sealant that to me looks like grape jelly and is used to seal machined mating surfaces it can also be used with an accelerant to speed up it cure time.

Not exactly sure what I did, but I was finally able to get the motor to run! I used the RTV on the carb manifold, got new gas and mixed with 4oz of 2 stroke oil, ran it down the street once or twice and it finally fired up and kept running.

I drove it up to the gas station to put air in the tires. Man, so many looks from people and hearing people go "Wow! That's so cool!" A portion of the neighborhood came out and were all very interested in the bike. brnot