I love my wife but


minor bike philosopher
women just don't get it. I move all the lunch dishes to one side of the double sink so that I can wash my hands there. I come back five minutes later and there are more dishes there. I wonder why she thinks I moved the dishes in the first place.

Oh her excuse is you aren't supposed to wash your greasy hands in the kitchen sink.. Yeah right in what world do men not was greasy hands in the kitchen sink huh?
Deacon, Cruiser is giving grand advice. Best two words I ever learned. You can be right or be happy the choice is yours......................rotflrotfl
Wash her dishes and by the time your done your hands will be sparkling clean your dishes will also be clean you might even get a little something extra from the wife.rotfl
I have a room just off the garage in this part of the country its called a mud room. I have a nice stainless steel double sink I wash engine parts in and wet sand parts in I do all kinds of things with the sink and it looks as good as new.
I'm even thinking old Rufus needs a good bath but I like my skin too much to even try it.
I think Bob freaked out when I did his dads airplane engine rebuild and washed the cylinders in the sink he said something to the effect that if he tried that at home is wife would cut off certain parts that were very important to him.
But doing her dishes should get you points and your hands clean.rotfl But don't ever dry your hands on one of her dish towels I have scars from that in places that you can't see.
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After 25 years I don't think I have any of those "important" parts anymore. Well she told me I don't so I just said "Yes Dear"..........:D:D:D
I do wash the dishes by the way. One of the requirements of being retired. However Now and then I want to wash the grease off my hands between dish washing but you are right easier just go along.

As for the room of the back we are plumbing challenged here the house built in 1928 One bath was more than enough then. We have a half bath that is so small it has a bar sink not a real one.

And norman things was been lean in the rewards dept since my heart attack just never seemed to start back again.
Sorry to hear that, would the little magic pill help, or could you take one after having a heart attack?
Well a little squeeze and you know, should make things, all better.
You'll work it out I'm sure.