I got an idea


Active Member
Since the city police guy wants a floorboard I think I'll break out my 36cc scooter. It has a seat and a floorboard and can be propelled solely by human power. I think I then will commence to riding it all over town. Then if I get stopped I'll show him the printed out version of the motor assissted scooter laws in Texas. If he persists I'll just tell him to give me a ticket and I'll beat him in court. I'm going to get them guys used to seeing me running around town on non traditional vehicles. Maybe they will finally tire of bothering me. So my new moto is going to be "If you can't beat em, just wear em out till they get tired of you". It'll either work or I'll end up in jail:eek:...................
Where did this we stuff start?! You got something in your pocket?! I think if you ride less than 20 mph and ride it like a bike and kill the engine at the first sight of an officer you might not get busted. Aw. Heck test the waters and see what happens. If you can find the proper wording and code # for Fed. Laws then that would be the way to go.
Carry it with you and show the officer when he pulls you over. There really is not a ruling on gas powered assisted bicycles so they should be exempt or fall under fed laws. But the police can say it has to fall under a rule in the states law books. That is where they will try and nail you. This is why we need to talk to our attorney friends who ride.
Our State rep will be in here a week or so. I'll talk to him then. I'll have him as a captive audience once I get him tied down in the chair. Them guys are easier to talk to when you have sharp pointed objects that you are maneuvering around their heads.(^)........................
It never hurts to have a copy of the statutes with you...just in case. I've blown by a number of local police and Maryland State Troopers, hoping I know the laws as well as I think I do. My bike seems to be situated in a comfortable legal loophole somewhere between bike, moped, and motorcycle. To their credit, I've only received positive attention from the law enforcement crowd. I'm surprised at how many coppers are into wrenching bikes and/or cars.
I'm pretty sure that in NC i fall in the moped law. I sure wish it wasn't so but it seems that way.
Mine only applies to the head gear. helmet for moped none for bike. Electric is bike gas is moped