I am hosting a new site, eBikeRider.com


New Member
I'm happy to be here and get help and suggestions for the site. I feel fortunate in having such a good Domain Name. The plan is to only feature quality products given referrals by folks such as in this forum. The practice ad that is up now is for those of you fellows contempating comfortable seats.

Don Jones
We have a couple of ebike riders I think. You should find a few around. I have built a few homebrew ebikes but never was really satisfied with them. Some of the others use the hub wheels so there should be a few for you. good luck.
hi don and welcome to the site. hope you enjoy it as much as we do. glad to have you with us
I really like your first ad :p
the open road pic is nice but I could look at the other all day long :)

ps... just noticed it has an ad for a seat as well rotfl
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So eBikeRider.com is just a redirect?