Yep read some of your previous posts N. Kat & liked them. Good looking cat by the way. Your last post this forum is a good example of why. You're coming at the use of hybrid setups from quite practical takes & that's refreshing. My fat bike project isn't a lightweight by a long shot, yet your basic premises are still applicable during the daily ride. The use of the China girl that one already has on a bike that you own, coupled to a hub of whatever wattage, makes sense, as does keeping the weight down. Use of what ever it takes to be pedestrian friendly in high foot traffic environments is important to help limit the amount of legislation passed to regulate the use of motorized bicycles regardless of engine type. I have no problem walking my bike with a crowd at festivals etc. It's just good public relations & make new friends as well.
One great advantage of an electric is it's use to get you rolling without clutch slippage and the resulting pad wear, excessive pedaling or super low gearing being involved. Wise use of the pedals when coupled with electric assist takeoffs can extend the batteries as well and the higher gearing improves fuel mileage while allowing decent speeds for commutes, at lower rpm...which will extend engine life.
I'm not an e expert either so I enjoy the technical posts as well, but I am a daily rider year round and what I build has to function in my world & to my expectations...durability, dependability and safety are always high on my list of goals for a successful build.
My son graduated from Vanderbilt University. & I've always thought Nashville a great city
Rick C.