Hurricane Sandy

We are still taking a pretty good beatin' here but so far everything is good. We have the oil lamps ready to go, but I'm goin' to sleep and will see what morning brings. Good luck to everyone.
I have not been working at sea for a good many yrs now but did work with many who built her and sailed on her during the filming. Most, then at least, were just kids who were on an adventure.

Just sad.
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Have they said how deep the water is where she went down? Could she be raised?
Tragic loss for sure and so sorry for the familie's of the lost crew.

The news up here said she went down off Cape Hatteras. Probably a total loss. The sea was running at 5.5 meters or about 18.4 feet.

Stupid storm. We didn't even lose power. We took a 'direct' hit. The eye went just sounth of here.

That said, I feel for those who were not spared the wrath of sandy. The pictures and stories really say it all.
Glad that windy blow hard Sandy is now gone. Didn't lose power, although it went off briefly a dozen times or so.

The bay window in the front of my house leaked badly. I had to poke a hole in the plaster ceiling to let it drain into a bucket, or risk the whole ceiling collapsing.
We must have dumped about 10 gallons of water. Basement had minimum seepage through an exterior wall. We are VERY lucky considering.

Super Hype Sandy...the news (as usual) blew it up way bigger than the actual storm.

I don't know if I agree with this.

My area was very lucky. The east coast has seen flooding that hasn't been seen in this area for generations. From Virginia to Connnecticut.

This storm set a record low pressure reading for a storm north of Cape Hattarass (sp). And how many Hurricanes produce Blizzards in the mountains? This is truely a remarkable event.

Record high storm surge in New York harbor (and the storm made landfall 100 miles south). Flooding in metro NYC. 80 homes burned in Queens. A shutdown of the largest transportation hub in the country.

The storm has claimed lives. Never a sign of an overblown storm.

I think people get caught up in the fact that this was 'only' a cat 1 storm. While we didn't see a Katrina event, 10s of millions have been affected.
I don't know if I agree with this.

My area was very lucky. The east coast has seen flooding that hasn't been seen in this area for generations. From Virginia to Connnecticut.

This storm set a record low pressure reading for a storm north of Cape Hattarass (sp). And how many Hurricanes produce Blizzards in the mountains? This is truely a remarkable event.

Record high storm surge in New York harbor (and the storm made landfall 100 miles south). Flooding in metro NYC. 80 homes burned in Queens. A shutdown of the largest transportation hub in the country.

The storm has claimed lives. Never a sign of an overblown storm.

I think people get caught up in the fact that this was 'only' a cat 1 storm. While we didn't see a Katrina event, 10s of millions have been affected.

O.K., in my area, it was super hype. They were even saying "The winds will begin to subside in the next several hours." The winds subsided hours before they even said that. They were on the news like it was the end of the world, which it was not.
BTW, more people are killed in traffic accidents on any given day than in the last three days of "super storm sandy".

Tell those affected by Katrina how terrible this was...

That very true but it's the old story.

When my neighbour lost his job it was because of the reccesion.

When I lost my job it was because of the depression.

I always think a lot of the hooha over global warming is a sort of middle class complaining, "this isn't the weather I ordered, I want to see the manager".
No, I'm serious. Weather has always changed, in 20 years I've seen a corner of Britain that I went to every spring turn from winter desolation to bursting with life now, so I know that climate change is real. I just get tired of people with money telling me to get rid of "dirty" gear I can't replace with new "clean" stuff.

If there really is a God, I want to know what he's going to say to the moaners when they get there.
In the 1300s there were vineyards in England. 400 years later there was a Little Ice Age when the Thames froze so deep they could light bonfires on it. Now the world's warming up again.

I wonder, did the ancient civilisations of the past blame their climate changes on new agricultural methods?
Both Ludwig & Safety are absolutely correct.

Climate Change has always been with us it's just that some have found a way to profit from it. Same as the ozone affair of a few years back. Remember when we were all going to die of skin cancer because of areosol cans and air conditioning refrigerant? What happened to that? I'll tell you. The money was made, Chemical companies made their billions by reformulating refrigerants/propellants and the consumer paid for it.

Who remembers the "Coming New Ice Age" hysteria of the early 70s? Oooops, didn't happen, sorry.

Now it's the 'Global Warming' scare. Look around and see who's profiting from it. Like they say, "follow the money".

Another view would be in the words of Bertram Russel who said, "A scared populous is an easily controlled populous". Does that make you think? The cold war ended and for years it served as something to be afraid of. Since it ended there seems to always be something that's 'gonna get you' if you don't change your ways.

We can't and aren't changing the climate. We're a flea on an elephant's back and the planet has been in a constant state of flux forever and will continue long after we're gone. Just my opinioins.

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my roommate worked on the HMS Bounty a coupla years ago. he dove off it and blew out his eardrum so he had to quit.

said it was the best thing that happened to him at the time. he said the captain was nuts, and to take an inexperienced crew out into the middle of a hurricane was suicidal.

that's about all i can say about that...
I don't know the particulars but the last place you want a ship in a hurricane or any high winds is in shallow water or tied to a dock.

The reason being an occurrence called "ground swell" That is when a driving sea and waves bounce off the bottom. In deep water off shore, it is safer as it is swells and not waves like one would surf in.

But again don't know where they were headed course wise in relation to the eye, if they had the option of sailing inland or the particulars so is just arm chair qurtebacking.

Terible thing though.