Huffy Davidson

Rough day to mow two acre lawn. Starting at noon temp was in the 90’s and got warmer. Light breeze was sort of a blessing. When temp gets above 86F it is just a ride in a blast furnace. I had meant to mow the yard on Sunday, but discovered the neighbor North of me was setting up a graduation party and wind was from the South. The dust storm I would have raised by my commercial mower? Not good on their special day.

Monday, a front started coming in shortly after 10AM, so I worked in my machine shop beginning to correct the errors made building the first motored bicycle. By 4PM I am hearing a steady rumble and it is getting really dark, so I shut down the shop and went outside. The darkness came from being under a huge Thunderhead. The frequency of lightning and thunder was greater than any I have ever known. The most intense part of the storm cell turned out to be just 10 miles South of us, where straight line winds, rain, and ping pong ball sized hail fell. Rubicon got a light rain. Which brought us the hot, humid that was today.

Right now a cold craft beer is pretty nice.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Been thinking about the 79cc Huffy skitch built.
(1) 79cc Huffy | Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit Forum (
I am junking out every single BikeBerry POS component on my Huffy Davidson. Following the spirit of the bulk of our forums content to go cheap and I did. In 2016 I was a newby bigtime and it took awhile for me to understand that if you are able, go full on DIY.
Kits are a way to enable persons to motorize a bicycle on the cheap sort of.
But I digress. Today the old BBR crankset went in the bin. In its place a wide crankset from MBrebel I had.
To which I will machine a transfer drive similar to that skitch made for his bike. Engine mount not final.

Cleaned up the 8X1mm mounting threads in the base of the 79cc Predator engine, Lot of residual loctite.
I think I have about come up with a firm plan for the primary seat tube mounting clamps. Instead of screws driven into the engine base I will grade 8 threaded studs into the engine block with which fastening nuts can draw the mounting clamps to the seat post. A full 20mm of stud thread in the engine block base with only straight line drawing force exerted by the clamp fasteners.
Now to see if NAPA can provide studs or McMasterCarr.
Pretty well made up my mind to use a Q-matic transmisson setting here in a box.
Complete Q-Matic Motorbike Drive - EZ Motorbike

In the shop today to rethread the engine mounting bosses. 79cc Predi engine mounting boss is threaded 8X1mm.

Threaded grd.8, grd5 rod is pretty much unobtainium in that diameter and pitch. My plan is to install threaded studs in the engine block instead of bolts drawing into the cast aluminum block.

Looking at thread charts 8mm =.3145” is just two thou bigger than tap drill size for a 3/8-16 tapped internal thread. There is all sorts of 3/8-16 threaded barstock. Next trick was to enlarge the mounting bosses to 5/16” dia. Keeping the bores straight and square to the engine base by hand. Good luck on that one right? Enter a hand tap guide block. I am dating my self, but before pantograph air driven tapping machines or even older hand crank tapping guides. Hand tapping of any degree of squareness to a given bore was performed with a tapping guide block. The guide block served twice in my application. First to truly guide a 5/16 reamer to resize the boss mounting holes and then to truly guide the 3/8th tap to cut new threads.

3/8-16 being a common thread size should make it easy to find hi tensile studs.
Below the engine is the reamer/tap guide.



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Went to Hong Kong Hahn, my sarcastic name of the local Ace Hardware store. they have a full complement of full threaded Grade 8 bolts. The four I purchased are just exactly 1/2" short. Remember I have to cut off the heads to make them studs. Back to Hong Kong Hahn tomorrow..



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Bit of a side track today, Menards dropped what will be our new wood shed. 80% of the frame tubes are drilled and screwed with self tappers, 90F in the shade and I working in the sun. First time I broke a proper sweat in ages. Shame full to be such a softy.
Found out I miss applied water base stain on a new solid pine bifold door. Paint on wipe off with moist cloth, was not an option.
Too bloody hot and dry, atmospherically. So now heavy coats are dry and #2 steel wool wont touch it.
Am I fooked?

The water base stain is tripping me up Steve. My ignorance will be my undoing.
The stain being water based I am not sure petrol based solvents are applicable. Mona says just paint it over.
A spar varnish while not matching the surrounding frame would have been an option too. Big FUBAR.
