Huffy Cranbrook or Schwinn Jaguar

Nice! I'm definitely interested.

How long will this particular model (2008) of bicycle be readily available for sale?

Have you seen the NEW Schwinns?Schwinn Bicycles | Cruisers, Beach Bikes, Pavement Bicycle, Kids Bikes


I know...My kits are going to be produced in short batches...that way if the bike manufacturer changes, or discontinues, a model I won't be stuck with inventory.

I have looked at the Schwinn models, but the wallyworld/Target offerings are usually different.

I'm hoping to build a kit that will be a perfect match for an easy to to find bike.

My vote is for the jag as it appears the schwinn has a thicker down tube to mine. Mine is available (and manufactured i believe) in the US here these two are also geared, so it makes no difference as you could swap rear wheels for a shifter kit. Micargi Panther 7SP Beach Cruiser 26 (male) - 2 Wheel Bikes - Beach Cruisers, Mountain Bikes, Tandem Bikes, Children's Bikes Greenline BC-706 Shimano Tourney 26 - 2 Wheel Bikes - Beach Cruisers, Mountain Bikes, Tandem Bikes, Children's Bikes

Went to a local machinist yesterday armed with photos of mounts from your builds, and several others from this site. Also brought pics of Ridley's rubber billet design. Sweet! I am always somewhat awed by people well versed in engineering and machine skills. Seeing a picture in your head, and being able to translate it to come out of your skilled hands is an enviable talent. The guys I visited were genuinely intrigued by what I was building. They were unfamiliar with MBs, but their enthusiasm made me feel like I was on equal ground. Made my day. My Kulana will go to their shop for a fitting soon.
In anticipation of Jaguar winning your poll, I have decided to make it my next build despite the competition from the pricier Schwinns. Where do I sign up for one of your kits on the layaway plan?? Can you ballpark the price?
It also occurs to me that problems are best addressed by going to the root.
These little Chinese vibrators are no exception. The root is the crank. Have you or collegues ever attempted machining and balancing this offending part?
I'm headed to Target today for a Schwinn Jaguar.

Once I actually get something done I'll put up a new build thread with photos for this project. The engine mounts will be designed for the CNC this time, and should look a lot better.

For you guys that build and sell complete bikes; consider the Schwinn Jaguar, as this kit is going to make installation a lot easier, and your customers are going to get the best "China Girl" MB currently available.

I will probably be asking for some dimensions so that I can try to make a kit that fits this frame type instead of it being a Jag kit only. I don't know how it's going to work out, I would really rather have each bike here at the shop, but I can't justify buying $2,000 worth of bikes right now. Maybe next quarter if things go well.


I'm guessing the kit will be $100.00-$125.00. I'm going to make it as affordable as possible. I'm going to make a new crank for the engine, it is .015" out-of-round. We'll see how it goes. I would rather not take orders, as I really don't know for sure how long it's going to take. I'm thinking the end of January. The initial run of kits will be 25-50. I'll make sure one has your name on it.

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I am always somewhat awed by people well versed in engineering and machine skills. Seeing a picture in your head, and being able to translate it to come out of your skilled hands is an enviable talent.

Ditto. Except substitute "somewhat awed by" with "totally jealous of" :)

I'm excited to see what comes around from this. I was going to get a Jaguar before I decided to just revamp my bike.
Jealousy is a strong word, but I know what you mean.
Be nice if we could swap or trade our accumulated knowledge.
Wait,,,,,,,,it happens here regularly.
I don't know if this is possible, but if when you are making up the mounts could you somehow fix it so a pull start kit could be put on with out widening the crankset. Boy my pull start kit is the hot ticket, and it has me spoiled and I bet a lot of other old farts like 'em if they use 'em! Walter F
Also on my way for a Jaguar. Very curious to see how close the frame geometry is to the Kulana Moondog. Hoping custom engine mounts are interchangeable.

Walter F.;
Good question!! Don't have one yet on my ride for that reason. Would much prefer to pull start, let it warm up, and check for problems before I drive off. The wider crank makes you look and feel like you've been riding a horse all day.
For anyone who is not sure what a Schwinn Jaguar looks like with a China Kit installed, I happen to have one out in the shop. In fact it is for sale but I really don't want to ship it. Anyone in central Iowa interested? $400.00



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For anyone who is not sure what a Schwinn Jaguar looks like with a China Kit installed, I happen to have one out in the shop. In fact it is for sale but I really don't want to ship it. Anyone in central Iowa interested? $400.00


Very nice build John, and a totally reasonable price! Someone local will surely jump on it, even if the weather isn't perfect now.

Jim, regarding a brand specific kit; Have you considered making mounts, engine, tensioner bracket etc for several styles, (brands) and letting your customer order the kit from you based on his perferrence. You could restrict it to two or three bikes initially and expand the offerings as demand dictates.
Maybe I'm not clear on this; Are you advocating selling a complete bike or kits to fit specific ones?
Either way, you might consider building kits to sell aimed at several specific and popular bike brands. Just a thought.

This kit will not include the bike...I will be building specialty bikes for sale in the Tampa bay area; to qualified buyers only. The kit will be for sale world wide.

I would really like to have a kit for each frame style, (Beach cruiser for example), but until I try it on a specific bike I won't know for certain that the kit truly fits perfect. The idea is to have a no hassles kit...bolt it on and done.

I'm going to start with the Schwinn Jaguar. Then I will buy other, similar, bikes and install the kit. If it goes on perfect then I will add that brand/model to the approved list. Eventually the list will grow, as a subtle design change may be all that's needed to allow the kit to fit a wider variety of bikes. It's a slow process. I could spend 3 months on the design side by gathering up a wide variety of like-framed bikes, and take the time to make a kit that fits all of these bikes.

The initial offering will be advertised for fittment on the Schwinn Jaguar only. Although it is obvious that this bike appears to share the same frame geometry as many others, (visually), whether or not it actually fits wil be unknown at first. I will probably allow a select few to buy this kit and "try It" on a different bike...this will be for those that I feel have the tools and mechanical ability to make subtle changes without destroying the whole thing...all others will have to provide a photo of a Schwinn Jaguar, and the ability to post installation photos should a problem arise. This requirement will be waived for a customer who is wiling to place a phone call to the shop!

I do not know how well this kit is going to be recieved, that's why I did a poll to find out which of the readily available bikes is most popular.

If the Jaguar kit sells then I will expand the line to include others..wee.

Hi Jim,
My earlier enthusiasm with two local machinists has soured badly. After 3 weeks with my bikes and motors, both companies decided they were to busy, or the motormounts to expensive to initially produce. Hate it when a business leads you on only to disappoint weeks later with lame excuses. Is it my breath? Haven't checked lately, but Jaguars were getting hard to track down here in SC, and Target has NO IDEA what their warehouse will be shipping. My Jag sits in a hallway waiting to be a great example of a production motored bicycle. My choice now is to wait for you to have Jag kits ready for sale. Hope one still has my name on it, and that progress goes smoothly. Completely understand tracking down industrial parts and materials, and how long it takes. Need any help?
Best regards, and thanks for the warm weather you sent our way.
Tom Hill

BTW: Nice build John! Can't wait to add Jims kit to my Jag.
Hello Tom,

I was afraid that would happen. I have a Jag in the shop that I bought right after the survey. Give me a little longer, I'll get this kit finished. I don't like for things to leave the bench until they're right! Hopefully the Jaguar, or a bike with an identical frame will still be available and I'll be able to sell a few.

99% of machine shops do not want to stray from the norm. Machine shops are not design houses...some like mine will offer design services, but most won't. I'm an engineer with a shop...It's rare to find a shop with a design engineer.

Here is the norm:

A large local firm provides a print of the parts needed, fully dimensioned and detailed. The shop knows that this firm is serious about needing parts.

The machine shop calls the material suppliers for a quote on the material needed for the job. This can take anywhere from a few hours, to a few days. Most industrial suppliers are incredibly slow to respond.

The shop provides a finished quote to the purchasing agent of said company and hopes to be in the ballpark price-wise. If a purchase order is issued for said parts: the shop owner knows that as long as the parts are made according to the drawing, they will get paid.

The parts are made and shipped to the customer. A net 30 invoice is generated, and that completes the transaction.

Going outside of this "Box" interupts thier normal business/work, flow.

It's very difficult to manage, and make profitable, a job shop. They just don't have time to dabble in design and the creation of new products.

I'm sure it was with the best intentions on thier part that they had a look at your project. Reality set in and they got bogged down with the "How"...which does take a lot of thought.

I started my shop with the intention of it being a place where I could create my own products from my designs. I was on a different course right from the beginning. I just needed a platform to work from. In additon to the other niche things I do, engine powered bikes are an ideal platform. :D

Best regards,
Hi Smithy,

There is a 48cc engine that my clutch kit will not fit. It's not common, but still available. The guys at Sick Bike Parts made me aware of this, (as they had to modify thier shifter kit to fit this engine), but I can't remember the exact engine. I will PM them and find out which one it is.
