Howdy from Indiana


New Member
Greetings fellow biker enthusiasts! Just bought a new mountain bike, and was planning on giving away my older one....until I found this forum and figured it be a great way to motorize it. Anyways, am looking for some lead acid battery bike conversions, manuals etc. inclusive. There are some sites claiming 12+ miles a charge, but I think its possible to go even further.
hi diggler and welcome to the site. my electric bike would go about 25 miles on a charge or maybe more. i did over 20 miles one day and had lots left. the batteries were about the size of motorcycle batteries and sealed. 3 12 volt ones. it was heavy and had to help pedal up the hills. i then got a gas powered one and was a lot happier. it would fly up or down a hill. motorized bicycles are great fun. the electric one i bought because i am not much of a mechanic and was timid about building a gas one. once i built the gas one i realized it was pretty easy to do and alot nicer then the electric. glad to have you with us
Those motorized moped kits are really selling like crazy these days. Latest one on ebay already has some 50 bids.
Welcome to the best forum on the web for bicycle motors, motorized bicycles and help with the care and feeding of them!
Welcome to the forum. Lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts here. Deacon would probably be the most help to you with the lead acid batteries. I think he has his on a small trailer. Glad you joined us.........................