How to resize & post pics using Photobucket

Did you read the tutorial that is this thread? I'm pretty sure it's in there somewhere.


Here's another one then:
How do I become an "active member" here? I tried to post pictures from photobucket but got the message that I have to be an active member first, and I really had hoped to get some help with my motor mount problem. Do I just need to post a bit more?
Thanks for any insight
you should be able to post pictures now. we make that you need a few posts to help stop all the spammers that are on the net. sorry for the inconvenience
I may be beating a dead horse but... I've tried to post pics from ipad and no dice . Tried apples photo manager ,dropbox,photobuckett , and just about everthing else i can think of? All of those apps do what they say they will , the prob seems to be the forum software dosent reconize there are any pics to select.
When you goto say album page i cant select anything ,the choose file buttons are inactive? Can copy photo to clipboard can paste ?
Any advice greatly appericated,sorry if this was already covered.
Not sure man - beyond usin' those (or any other) app to resize & host the pic, then when yer viewing just the pic itself, copying the http addy from yer browser's bar (should start w/http & end with .jpg or w/e pic format) and typing in your own img tags: [ img] http pic addy goes here [ /img] (spaces added to break code) - you can do this w/any image frm any site BTW... but some sites don't like it as yer jackin' their bandwidth lol

Ya can try the http addy for the "Upload File from a URL" forum options... but I'm guessin' ya tried that too :(

*shrug* I'm assuming you've tried our attachment feature? I've tried the ipad and while I liked it... I gotta say it's still jus' a touch hinky, no doubt they'll get that sorted soon tho...
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