How do I do it?


New Member
I just joined this website because I am seeking out advice for building a motorized bike. I am used to riding dirtbikes and need something to ride to school to save on gas. I would like to build one that would be durable and fast. What is a good kit to buy?
First off don't get too hung up on speed. These things are still bicycles and will only take so much abuse. The basic 48cc or the "80"cc chinese 2-cycles will get you about 30 mph+ depending on how you gear it. I am of the opinion that running them much over that is looking for hurt. There are some here who will disagree with me on that but just my $0.02. Good luck.
No but you have to consider that the rear suspension makes it more likely that the chain may jump off the sprocket due to changing tension. It may even bind up in the motor drive sprocket case causing the rear wheel to lock up. If done right you may make it work if you try to deal with potential problems before they occur.
Don't go getting speed happy 25mph can get you real hurt, got cut off by car at 15mph went over some tall down hill forks that was 5 months ago, I can still feel it! as for the full suspension you got a caddy don't worry about power ya g:Dots a plenty. Ya know your getting old when the warranty starts goin out:-{:eek:Watch that chain!!!!!!!!
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On a full suspension bike, I would think a "rack mount" would be your best option although the cost goes up a bit. (Rack mounted is when the engine is mounted above the rear wheel) Many dealers here sell them. Be sure to ask them before you buy if it will fit the particular bike you want to use.

Also in the DIY section, some folks do amazing stuff with weed whacker engines and the like. Deacon has a booklet for sale. His front wheel drive would work great with a full suspension bike. Be sure to read some posts by "Comfortable shoes" as well.

I should warn you though, these things start out as just a good idea. They then turn in to an obsession, snork

Please let us know how your project goes!
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thanks guys. and what engine should i use? Should I buy a kit, or buy a different engine and piece it together?
Well Pat, that would be entirely up to you and what you want from one. An in-frame kit is a great first bike very cheap for what you get and can do with one. Go with a good dealer known for good customer support. Most especially for a first build. The down side is, it is not going to work well on a full suspension with out some serious modifications. A rack mount is a good choice for full suspension bike and simpler to install. But the price goes up for most of them. A weed whacker home built can be built for less then 100 bucks and will work on the bike you want to use. Is a great way to learn a great many things. They also have drawbacks.

Trust me, 30 is fast enough on a bike. Its not like a dirt bike. 35 feels like 50 on a bicycle.

My advice would be, look around, see what you can afford and would like. Look at pics and just take it all in. There is no rush.

Relax and enjoy. This part, is just part of the fun.