thefact that someone can buy an inexpensive (cheap) bike and a cheap engine kit and end up with a potentially somewhat reliable inexpensive form of transportation is what draws most people to this hobby, and to those of us who really enjoy tinkering its an even bigger draw, only time we should possible frown just a tad on a bike build in an easy and respectful way is when we see someone fixing to do something that is potentially very dangerous, we should try to snatch a brother out of the fire if we can and hope someone would do the same for us, you will always get more accomplished using sugar than you will using vinegar, so thinking it through and using a little wisdom when applying constructive criticism is a much better way to go about comments that can potentially be taken as negative toward a person or their project.
I know this is just a rabbit trail here and doesn't in any way apply to the OP's topics here, but on the ammo topic, we have a pile of reasonable ammo around here to be purchased with the acception of .22 lr and .22 mg
Those are the only things I buy since I'm a reloaded and I load for all my firearms from 9mm Luger all the way up to 7mm Rem Mag and my shotguns, some components were a bit hard to come by for while, but most everything is available now, you just gotta know where to look, I also cast many different bullets for handgun and rifle and lead has gone up in price, but its not hard to find.
my recommendation to you fellas who are looking for "cheap" ammo is to just buy you an inexpensive Lee loading kit with press, scale, etc. Can be bought for just over $100+ order you a set of dies for the caliber you use and get involved in a new and enjoyable hobby that is very safe as long as you understand what you're doing and follow the load data. Buy you some rimfire ammo for plnking when you can but there are many very good online sources for components that will allow you to load some ammo that is cheaper than what you can buy and you can tailor the ammo to you firearm by a little trial and error with figuring out what the particular gun like best.
Ok I'm done and sorry YesImLDS, just wanted to address the cheap ammo topic that worked its way into the mix here.
Now back to the (High Performance Inexpensive Bike Project)......
peace, map