Hi there all ... from Arkansas

Bikeguy Joe said to check out the site ... so here I am. Looks like there's a pretty good scattering of these bikes across the nation. Looked at the calender and it's pretty ... empty. What's with that?

I've posted over on Spooky Tooth's site and kinda like it there. I'll try to keep up with two sites.

I went to Books A Million the other day looking for a mag that covered bikes. Only found Mountain/off road bike mags and race bike mags. None on regular bikes for commuters or motorized bikes ... anyone see one they could recommend? Looked up books too ... from the 60's is mainly what I found. The Hippies were RIGHT!

Later all ... have motor business to take care of,


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
hi josie and welcome to the site. i have searched high and low for magizines on cruisers and bikes like that and like you know luck. i believe in the near future thier will be a motorized bicycle magizine with the popularity the way it is growing. glad to have you with us. sounds like you have a great sense of humor and love life. we have fun here and learn a little while we are at it


HS Math Teacher
Jun 17, 2008
hey welcome to the forums! I too am from Arkansas...I live in Conway and am the only one of 55,000 people here that ride a motorized bicycle...oh the looks I get.

So where are you from? There is another member of these forums from Little Rock too.


New Member
Jun 8, 2008
my wife is from fort smith, AR and she is headed down that way as we speak for a wedding. I've been through conway a couple times in the past. don't you have a what-a-burger there or am I thinking of a different town. nice meeting you guys.


Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
Welcome to the forum. Lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts here. I used to live in Newport Ark. But it was a looonnng time ago. Glad you joined us............................
WOW ... calendar is empty, but it seems to be a busy little place.

K ... so there may be 3 of us in AR with motor bikes. If I can get mine running ... Big IF (I'm a girl and don't even have half the tools I need) ... I say we schedule us a Rally. See if we can't get this calendar hoppin!

There is What-A-Burger (not the chain) in Russellville. Small dinner with good burgers, massive side of fries, and great milk shakes. Kinda close to the AR Tech.

If your counting 10 people in Binary would that be just 2? The 1 person and the 0 person?

Thanks for all the welcomes. And, no, the bikes not done yet.


New Member
May 28, 2008
Hi Josie, Welcome To The Forum. I`m Fairly New Here Also. It Is Fun And Very Informative. And Necessary If You Have A Motor Bicycle. I Have A Feeling We Are Going To Learn From You Also !!! :ride2: (^) RON

Jemma Hawtrey

New Member
Dec 29, 2007
Essex, UK
Big IF (I'm a girl and don't even have half the tools I need) ...
Ahem lol - I resemble that comment

They really arent that hard to put together - its the keeping them together and running that can be the hard part.. though I have to admit the GEBE system is a little more plug and go :)

Glad to have you here and hope you have a good time - any help you need you'll likely be able to find here - and if you can't we'll manage to come up with something, we usually do..

welcome to the forum

Jemma xx
Hi Jemma, How is it in Essex ... lots of Mopeds and small motor transportation there?

My binary is a little rusty, it and hex and all the others seem like a lifetime ago.

It's stopped raining here and I need to go find a chain breaker! This is my QUEST, to follow that dream, no matter how hopeless (far?) .... anybody remember that song? .... this is how my mind works!

Happy hunter on the loose ...

Jemma Hawtrey

New Member
Dec 29, 2007
Essex, UK
Its warm for once - which is a good thing - there are quite a few mopeds around actually. Its fun when I can outdrag bigger machines on the flat lol - because of the different gearing.

It contains my family - which is almost completely a bad thing lol

The US is seeming very tempting after today and I have open offers :)

I have to admit to not even knowing what a chain-splitter looks like, having been born into my motored biking days as a belt-loving girl lol

glad to see you on here, whats the weather like out by your way? I assume there arent that many mopeds and such out there - having had to fix up a 402 Ford Ltd while I was out there in january - note to self, hot engine + borderline frostbite is a bad idea :(. 10 minutes later the guy who owned it managed to rev the thing to extinction and destroy the water pump rotfl

hope you are ok..

Jemma xx


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Chain breaker at wally mark works on bicycle chain. Not sure what it will do on the motor chain but you have to be very careful with it. When you wind it out to far is strips the treads on the pushout do hicky. It took me three to figure that out.


New Member
Jun 8, 2008
Russellville, that is the what a burger I was thinking of. I didn't think it was part of the chain. They have a darn good burger and if I do recall a tasty shake, banana I think.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Walmart chain breakers are junk- period. They aren't big enough for the engine side chain either.

You can take a link out of the engine chain by grinding off the tip of the pins.

Can I ask why you need a breaker?


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I beg to differ on the wally mart breaker... no you cant break the motor chain its a bike chain breaker lol//// ... I broke two of them before I figured it out. If you wind them all the way to the end and twist hard, they will strip the threads. Do it the way the instructions say and they work just fine.

I have broken several bike chains with them since i read the directions.
Fellows, fellows, fellows ... hoooold on. Maybe ya'll have two different types of chain breakers. I went to Scott's here locally (because Wally World, as we from the land of Walmart like to call it, didn't have any!) and I had two to choose from. David told me which one he thought worked the best and so I bought it ... and some chain lube/cleaner stuff.

I needed to break it because I had about three links too many. I still have a little slack, but I think I can adjust that as needed with the tention arm.

Deacon! I started reading your article about the bike earlier. I haven't finished it yet. I hope that if they do get a Mag that covers this kind of thing that you'll summit to have a continuing Story in it. The type that you can't wait for the next issue to see what happened. And the fact that you take pictures means you probably have plenty of photos to comtribute to your stories :confused:. I used to get VW Tends and there was a lady that wrote for them that I just LOVED! She wrote about VW guy type things, yet in a way that girly, female, types could understand and relate to. I miss that Mag.

Whelp ... he's done! I just finished wiring him up. Had to cut that trash off that came crimped on it. Went and bought some better splice connectors ... I still have the light kit wiring to do, but I'm about 1 1/2' short on wiring for the tail light. I placed it all the way to the back of the fender. I've posted some photos over on the Spookytooth Forum ... I still like it better. I haven't loaded a finished photo yet. I will. It been nasty here today weather wise and I'm gonna be away for two days ... so I guess I won't try to fire him up until Tuesday. He'll either go or blow!!!

I've got a myspace account I'll load all my photos to eventually. And I'll post that link when I've updated it.

Well all, It's been a fun adventure so far ...


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Try the blog... the first part of it is a continuing serial story about bikes. The rest is novels from my web site...

I don't do a lot of photography these days. My eyes are not as good as they should be.

Anyway I look forward to seeing your bike.