Hi, I'm Jish, I'm new and addicted

Just took bike out for a 5 mile ride. Hub is no longer loose and bike rides much better. Bike is still kind of 4 stroking even though I have tried everything. I think it may be starving for air possibly. Other than that the handlebars have such a bad vibration at higher speeds that It's really uncomfortable to even hold them.
If it starts and goes good every time leave it alone - Put your mind in the "Watch Everything Mode" and take some time just to enjoy. It will run better the more it's run. They all vibrate to some degree. I'm not sure who said it but it was said here "A bicycle with a 2 cycle engine is a tuning fork on wheels". Watch your Nuts and Bolts BE Safe!
Regarding the handlebar vibes, are your engine mounts good and solid? I have read that some guys have had some luck reducing that vibration by putting weights in the bar ends. You can find them online or make your own with fishing weights.