Hi fromSurrey British Columbia Canada


Power Ryder

New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Surrey British Columbia
Hi I just built my first motorized bike I feal like I am 10 again [2 weeks and 400 k]. I had a heart attack 5 years ago ant have not ridden much since then [except for on the stationary].now I am comuting 14 k a day to and from work with 2 big hills that I know that I would have never made without my little china girl [like the name heard it here]. I also find my self going for rides just for the **** of it. I am useing a power king 80 and am quite pleased with it.A little rubber for sound profing a few mods high energy ignition and plug[thanks to this page] high flow exaust and intake matched ports and a home made expantion chamber and muffler[pulls real good]. stuff learned from My Dad [God rest his soul] and a few years of raceing 2 stroke carts back in the late 60s. My old lady is a little jealous of the new girl in my life. I just can not wait to build my next!


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
welcome to the site power rider. i am with you these bicycle motors are the fountain of youth. would love to see pictures of the modifications you made. it nice you had some experience with the motors before you built yours. my mom and dad did not allow mini bikes, go carts or any of those things when we were kids. but i am learning and mostly from the great people here on the site. glad to have you with us


Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
Welcome to the forum. Lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts here. Sounds like you been around a few engines. How about some pictures of your build? Glad you joined us....................................


Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor
Dec 28, 2007
Duvall, WA PNW
I am useing a power king 80 and am quite pleased with it.A little rubber for sound profing a few mods high energy ignition and plug[thanks to this page] high flow exaust and intake matched ports and a home made expantion chamber and muffler[pulls real good].
Tell us more! What sound proofing?

What high energy ignition?

I agree with all the rest as well - makes a HUGE difference.

And all this in two weeks - I am impressed big time. Welcome neighbor!(^)


New Member
May 20, 2008
Power Rider, you mentioned that you have a new "Power King" kit. I'm looking at building a second bike and want to order an engine. I wondered about the quality of the new comIbined clutch/brake he puts which his kit? Is it metal, does it lock and is it easy to use? Is the chain tensioner ball bearing? How do you like the throttle? I send him those same questions and he seem to avoid some of them. I get the feeling the dealers sell the same engine but the kit parts may be different in function and quality.

Power Ryder

New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Surrey British Columbia
Hi all I dont have a digital so I had my daughter inlaw snap a few shots on the week end and am waiting for her to email them to me as soon as I get them I will try to post them here.

Pablo just a ngk plug and 7mm copper core plug lead and a nice water proof ngk resister plug boot.sound proofing was just some thick rubber stuck to the clutch cover with some double sided foam tape. that got rid of that ringing noise and a lot of gear noise. I also put some 1 inch strips cut from a large O ring of rubber between every second cooling fin like my old dirt bikes had.

Gronkster I got the PK80 stelth edition powder coated black looks nice it did not come with the dual break leaver. my bike has the rapidfire shifters with brakes attatched so this would not have worked for me. the dual pull looks good to me and thats what I am useing on my next build. the ideler has no bearings kinda sucks showing some ware all ready.

oh ya put another 150 on her this weekend I think shes broken in now pulled those hills real good on the way to and from work today.
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Power Ryder

New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Surrey British Columbia

hope this works finaly a pic.
<a href="http://s276.photobucket.com/albums/kk14/PowerRyder/?action=view&current=miscellaneouspics038.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk14/PowerRyder/miscellaneouspics038.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s276.photobucket.com/albums/kk14/PowerRyder/?action=view&current=miscellaneouspics037.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk14/PowerRyder/miscellaneouspics037.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s276.photobucket.com/albums/kk14/PowerRyder/?action=view&current=miscellaneouspics040.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk14/PowerRyder/miscellaneouspics040.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
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New Member
Jul 3, 2008
I live in Burnaby.
I currently work at power king.
Im pleased with mine.
And all 50+ bikes I built.

Power Ryder

New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Surrey British Columbia
hi there harp havent met you yet I normaly deal with john met leo so next time I come in I will have to look you up.Stude happy Canada day eh! and a happy 4th of july to all.Gronkster hey I just recently completed build #2 I used the deluxe 50cc kit I love the dual break lever but I had to redrill the holes for the cabels it was probably just a build up of the powder coating.


New Member
Hi Power Ryder, I live in Pitt Meadows, and just purchased and installed a Robins-Subaru EH035 engine on my mountain bike. It is a 4-stroke friction drive kit and I just love it. You're right... feel like a kid again, and I'm 63 years old. We should get together sometime and do a ride together. In fact, I would like to form a club for motorized bicycle owners in the Fraser Valley and we could organize a monthly ride or whatever. A photo of my engine is attached here.



Custom MB Buiilder
May 7, 2008
Houston, Texas
Welcome TB. I got to travel to Canada some when I was younger. Beautiful
place. Love the Edmonton Mall. I live far far away. S. Texas. A wealth of knowlege here as well as great folks (c)