hemllo. lol.


New Member
for starters my name is shane from kcmo i am 49 yrs old i ride a 1988ish Ross 5 speed kept in a shelter its whole life so its like im back in the 80's but this time it has a BBR stage 4 racing motor and all that just got in the mail my rims 15 mag 26" solid red got red tires comin. Been running great until the 6th tank spitting not wanting to go running rich got a 70mm jet i do believe . My deal is its only going 11 mph flat and i gotta peddle if there is an incline. im hoping the gas was eyebald to mix but in the morning ima break her down do some things and see.
Welcome to the forum, check for leaks. A compression leak will cause lose of power. I sand every head on sand paper on a known flat surface in a circular motion to check it for flatness. Torque the head nuts to no more than 14 foot pounds.
It's a bit difficult to read through all that.... but my question is 'what did you do to it (or what happened) just before it started performing poorly'???