Help!!! I Need A Part!!

Wow, I'm not too sure about the price right now, (I may have a couple coming my way for $5.00 or so. but if they fall through, or are the wrong parts, I will definitely look you up.
thanks man


Hi Red,

The Cheapest quote i could get (inc delivery to USA) is £11.39 or $22.63

How is that for you?

Lemme know. I can PayPal invoice you if like. just PM me ur email...

Hope thats OK
Wow, I'm not too sure about the price right now, (I may have a couple coming my way for $5.00 or so. but if they fall through, or are the wrong parts, I will definitely look you up.
thanks man


Hey No Sweat,

Obviously look up your local guys first, (give the original seller some grief too!) but i just want you to know we have it and are willing! Best of luck!
Can anyone get me a good price for these items?
1. push button clutch lever
2. clutch control arm with locking screw
3. clutch cable

Thatsdax for the arm and clutch (cheap price) the cable is just a bicycle brake cable, walmart for that.
oi, for 22 quid perhaps you'd send me like 3 or 4 of those nuts, yeah?
let me know. I know that the shipping is what costs so much, tossing a couple more nuts in the box shouldn't break the bank, yeah?

Hey No Sweat,

Obviously look up your local guys first, (give the original seller some grief too!) but i just want you to know we have it and are willing! Best of luck!
Ok,this star nut, is actually supposed to be threaded inside, and it holds the clutch pack tighly inside the primary case

Theirs actually a article somewhere on this forum about some dude that bought a bolt and ground it down to fit, may be a little risky but hey whatever works. These engines are not so much rocket science.