Hello good people !

Wikipedia is not Hoyle in my understanding of game rules but can be the identical copy of them as well may not be. No less nice to hear of your waffle or something man...
News ! I was scanning another forum and found 2 people talk about Thoria. They didnt say anything helpful for my case, but when i read again i found a word (2) which caught my attention: "Royal Nelly". I cant speak netherlands, so i dunno too much about the rest of the etxt, but these 2 words were so strikingly different that i just copied them out and googled them. Surprise ! I found an ( closed, unfortunatly) online auction for a brochure from this " Royal Nelly" , and guess what : Its my bike ! So , although this is pretty much a breakthrough, i now am faced with another question which the brochure didnt answer : Is "Royal Nelly" the model while still we talk Thoria being the brand, or is my bike not a Thoria but a "Royal nelly" or what ? Confused, but somewhat almost happy. If anybody ever came accross " Royal Nelly" please dont miss on me ! Thanks, cheers,


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Just guessing, but I think Royal Nelly is the make and that you're getting closer to some real information. Interesting! That's a good looking bike.

Royal Nelly
Nelly Royal or Royal Jelly is a Belgian historical brand of bicycles and motorcycles .

Etching. Foucart in Brussels produced the bicycle brands Royal Nelly, La Victoire and Le Coq. In the fifties they also made ​​motorcycles with their own frames and Sachs - two-stroke engines built .

The sources speak of different names: Duchateau, Huylebroeck, Jonk Lord of Eyken and Freson: "Royal Nelly" The Motorcycle "Royal Jelly".
Wow, Ludwig, thats exactly mine ! The blue bird i mean...But...I am now confused to max . What the **** do i own here...A Bluebird (Oiseau - Bleu) or a Thoria or a Royal Nelly ? How did you come accross that last picture, when i click the link it doesnt say any of Thoria or Royal nelly, so how did you manage to get there ?? Thanks big time,
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It's on Sheldon's Emu. That's got a lot of bikes that are only known to a few people. Even in the 1960s and 70s, few outside of grass track racing would have known what an Antig was, or long trackers knowing the name Otto Lantenhammer. That's the nature of limited production runs sold in limited areas.
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It's my supposition that the components were all sourced from established suppliers, including the frame (the Italians were well known for sticking badges on such constructions), and assembled either by the named company, or manufactured for them with badges stuck on.

Cibie or Bosch electrics, engine by Sachs, chain by Regina or Renold, tyres from Michelin or Continental, that sort of thing.
This becomes interesting. Oiseau Bleu comes up as Sarolea, with different engines over the years. 1/3 of the way down this page someone is selling one with the 50LW Sachs.


Facebook page may be useful for further information:


I think the bike is only a badged Sarolea, sold by the Thoria cycle shop in Torhout. Your restoration now is a choice of returning it to Thoria or Sarolea colours.
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No sweat good people....Just because i dont post for day dont mean i dropped dead. :-) Today it just was to say that...My wife works in a hospital, late shift today so i was home with them little peas, so no time for nothing, and now i am just doing the most nessecary and then i`ll fall over and hit the feathers.

About the bike: I am a little torn between " i dont care what your name is, but i like your style" (did i say that earlier at some other occasion ? Hm...) and " Spit it out you damn piece of dumb red metal, who are you and what do you want from me" This way or the other, this is pretty confusing i can clearly say that. Even more as none of all these options are easy to find out about.

But i was dead proud if this by any chance was a bike which had Sarolea genes in it, as i absolutely adore the 600ccm Big Blocks they made. Awsome fat killer bikes, i saw one in candy red which made me feel like back then when i was 14 and flipped out my first centerfold. Anyway, nuff said, time to go horizonal. Cheers good people, talk later. By the way, sunday there is a big Motorshow and trade near my home, calles "Technorama" and its all about Vintage bikes. I am there dude !! I`ll see if i can do some footage , video, photos and of course..Get me some hardware...
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Be thou far from Reichenau in Saxony? Beachcomber a house has here in England and in Reichenau a second.

If I be right, there be 500km/300miles betwixt you.
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By all means, Lars. Share some photos and videos with us of the 'Technarama'. Who knows? You just might find a mate there for your lovely little bike.
Hey, want to trade yours for a Norton clone bike? Just kidding.

Good morning eveybody. Just got up now, made breakfast for em kiddies and powered up the coffeine level . Checking mail, and what do i find ? Somebody tells me that a community member owns a house at "Reichenau" ? Thats pretty funny because, i was born a footwalk from there. Reichenau is a very little island in the "Lac de Constance" (or "Bodensee" as we say in germany). There is a few small islands, one is famous in whole Europe, its the "Mainau", an island which is covered all over with flowers, nothing but flowers. Mainau is next to Reichenau, Reichenau is not covered with flowers but with veggies, they grow all kind of green stuff there. And the small village on the landside from Mainau, thats where is was born (and do some vacations each year with the babies). Its a good place to stay, if i was rich i would make my living there for sure.

And about the trade in: Come over and show me that Norton rip-off. Ah. No plane in your carport. Hm. sorry. Neither in mine.

Have a nice day everybody, talk after the show,cheerz,
Ha !
Mission accomplished! I`m done. No. Not with the renovation, thats to be continued. BUT. The postguy dropped a fat book at my place this morning, its the " Belgische Motorräder" almanach of belgian motorcycles. And guess what: Thoria are mentioned, and the even had a picture below the text and - voila ! - the pic is 100% my bike, even the stripes on the fenders are a 100% match. So i am now in the best of all moods, ready to carry my money to the fair tomorrow, i`ll be back with the vintage footage soon ! Cheers,
Very cool, Lars.
Could you possibly scan that picture for us and post it here.

Does the book provide any information about the Thoria? History? Specifications?

hello again,
tzhat day was awsome, good heavens. Some acres of spareparts, rust, damaged and good vehicles, and lots of crazy peopkle from almost all europe. Smell of gasoline in the air, people raving up their engines while selling old Kawasaki 2 strokers...What more can you ask for . Funny thing is that i got broke almost, but i didnt get any of what i originally wanted. Although i thought these were peanuts. I was only asking for a dfew springs for under the saddle (not ANY ) and a 50mm diameter gasolile cap (40?Plenty. 60? Yes. What ? You want a 50 ? Are u nuts ? Well...almost. Thoria owner. Ah. I pity you...) But i foun d almost all documentation about the Sachs 98M50 motor you can think of, the replacement sparepart list, the "How to tear it apart and get it back together" book, and lots of other cool ****. Here is some impressions... Cheers,


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