Hello from Texas


New Member
Hi. I've been hanging around the forums for a while and thought I would join. I haven't motorized my bike yet, but it won't be long. ;) I live in the NE Houston area, not sure if anyone else is close.

I'll be asking some questions in the forums about what to buy, what will fit, etc. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. There seem to be a lot of good people here.
hi json and welcome. lots of knowlegable people here on motorized bicycles that love to help each outher. glad to have you with us and look forward to hearing about your new ride
Welcome to the group json. Feel free to ask any questions there are alot of members here willing to help...Kelly:ride2:
Hey Jason, welcome to the forum. Lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts here. I live on the other end of Texas. I do have a son that lives in Spring. So we go down there quite a bit. But we don't ride the bicycles that far.:D:D...............................
I too am from Texas... I've been reading a lot about these bikes. I understand that most states dont want to see one of these things over 49cc and faster than 30 MPH. Still the mind cant help but wonder if its possible to actually go over the 40 MPH that most of these kits say they top out at. I'm thinking about doing a Honda GX 50, but I am wondering about transmission options. Is there anything being produced to where we can see some actual speed out of these machines? Id be willing to have mine registered as a motorcycle if I could get 50-60 MPH out of it. The gas prices are getting rediculous! I'd like to see enough of us out on these bikes going back and forth to work to make a dent in gas profits. Any suggestions on trannys would be great.cvlt1