Hello from Seattle!


New Member
Hi everybody old and new members!

I am pretty new to the site (first post) but I like what I see so far...
Hi from Seattle. 2 days ago I was driving home in a traffic and somebody just whizzed past my truck. I caught up with him at the next red light and I noticed he was actually on a motorized bicycle. This piked my curiosity and started to do a little web investigation and now I am here.
Of course in the past I have seen weed whacker powered cycles but his was a nice chain driven contraption and I liked it a lot.
Right now I have a bike, and I am tempted to convert it. I will ask you guys questions if I run into any trouble.


Welcome triplax, glad you joined us.

You have come to the right place, have any questions feel free to ask. Plenty of helpful members here.
Welcome aboard! I hope you don't have too many Seattle hills to contend with. If so you may want a sprocket with more teeth than normal......