Hello from Quito, Ecuador


New Member
Hello, I'm also new to the forum. I live in Quito, Ecuador, and the concept of a motorized bike is pretty new here. I don't understand why, since it makes perfect sense. The city lies at 9000 ft. above sea level, and is full of steep and narrow streets, which makes regular biking difficult. A motorized bike will solve so many problems, starting with traffic. Can anybody point me in the right direction? I actually have no idea where to get a kit, or an engine. Thanks
welcome to the site. i moved your post to its own i hope you don't mind. i live in the caribian and thats dax which advertises on the top left of the forum sent mine here for me. its an awesome motor and thats dax is a big help when you need him. glad to have you with us :ride2:
Hello TC,

Welcome. I think it will be quite interesting at your high altitude.

I used to tune in to HCJB Radio Ecuador's "Voice of the Andes" and listen to stories of your world there. I'm 600 ft above sea level where I live and the hills raise 500 to 1000 ft above the river valley. Small by comparison.

But I'm sure you'll have more freedom of choices in how you set your bike up than what many of us in the States have due to regulations of motor size, power, operation speed and so forth.

Hope you keep us informed of your progress. :)
Thanks everybody,
Thatsdax seems to be a good place, especially if they ship overseas. I haven´t really decided on the style of my bike, but I´m leaniing towards a streched cruiser. Those, of course, are not available over here, since they are so hard to pedal, so I might have to build one. The mountain bike rules over here. But, since mine will have a motor to assist me uphill, I´m gonna go a little wild. I´ll post the progress on the forum, and ask for your assitance, if you guys don´t mind.
Thanks again.
You might try looking at Golden Eagle Bike Engines. They have a good system and are very helpful. Also they ship overseas regularly. Good luck with setting up your bike.
Welcome aboard
I suggest you to read the posts before atempting to start your motorbike
The local representant (Lima Peru) can sell you an engine
You can send me a pm/email for details
I think it is fun to see the world in this forum. I have done a lot of riding over the years and have run just about every engine configuration you could imagine. Just a note the two stroke engine is affected the most in high altitude, but it can be tuned for the less air. The only time you would care is if you get the bike down near sea level and then you would want to stay there for the extra power. A larger sprocket will do the hills, but you will have to be careful on the down hills not to over spin the engine. A 49cc 4 stroke over the rear wheel belt or chain drive would probably be the best idea. Let us know what you chose, there are a lot of choices. Do the natural whirlpools spin counter clockwise? Welcome aboard, and good luck. Dave