I gotta say this has been an adventure i have read many threads from the forum here and i must say most have bailed my sorry non bike mechanical butt out of a lot of wtf do i do now! I picked the wrong bike to use at first and quickly {6 hours later cough cough) realized its not gunna be easy. problem after problem back to the guy that sold me the kit Steve is his name great guy in Deland Fl area for upgrade parts and ooops replacement parts and finally the kit is on my exchanged Huffy cruiser. All but the chain cause my sorry butt cut it too short. So today i am off to the bike shop to have them BREAK a few links back on. hopefully today i can put some gas in it and TRY to start. This is day SIX of this and i am about finished but i didn't rush took my time and i figure the reward will be well worth the aggravation. So to all those people who ask me "HOW EASY WAS IT TO PUT TOGETHER" the answer will depend upon if i like you or not. So for now that's my hello good luck to everyone!