Welcome Poppyhello guys, this is Poppy, i am pretty new here and seems i don't know what should i say too.
we are a gasoline engine kit supplier in China,
Welcome Poppy
What engine kit supplier do you work for?
Do you have a website?
Welcome to the forum Poppy! We speak motorbicycle here!
Hello Poppy, welcome.
It is a great pleasure to meet you.
Thank you so much Poppy. You are to kind.
I was sure there were two other members from China here but I can not find them.
Over 80% of people on this forum use and enjoy Chinese manufactured motor bicycle kits and parts. I think you will get many questions and will be a great resource for information. Translation of language always becomes an issue. If I can ever be of help, please let me know. The nuances make a world of difference.
As a staff member, I am here to help and assist you.
Hi poppy - nice looking engines you have on your site. Do you guys ship directly to the US? Is it a wholesale deal or do you sell individual kits as well? Thanks -Moto
P.S. if you have any pictures of your factory Im sure a ton of people would love to see the manufacturing process of these engines.
Thanks Poppy!
looks really interesting! Are you guys connected with Yangzhou Woodpecker Gasoline Engine Factory? The factories look kind of similar? Either way thanks for the information. And 175$ is not ridiculous for an engine kit shipped, especially here in California.
Do you have the business with Yangzhou Woodpecker Gasoline Engine Factory? Yes, we bought F80 engine kit from them. But our main kit is A80 series which is better quality (USA design, CNC machined).
What price is in California? I see lots of customer's web noted the kit don't delivery to California.
Hi and welcome!
I love chinese engines! They made it possible for a guy like me, to have the 'motorcycle experience', for a fraction of the price!
AND have better gas mileage too, so 2 good in one!
What I would have loved the Chinese to be able to make was:
- A genuine 80-100cc 4 stroke engine for scooters (because a 50cc engine is just a tad too light to move in traffic, and a 150cc engine is more than what most people need, when they're riding by themselves)
- A 2 cylinder 2 x 33cc engine for performance bikes (to get the added power of dual cylinder; preferably a parallel piston design).
No, ive just been researching some factories. I saw your ads for CDH on alibaba too. Do you manufacture/cast your own cylinders and cases or buy them from another source? Just wondering. An engine kit in California will run you $160-$240USD.
Welcome to the forum. 175 seems like a good price.
Looks like it's time for a 2nd build !!!