Hello from Atlanta!


New Member
Yo whatsup. New to this forum. I've been a member of "the other forum" for about 6 months probably. I just discovered this one a few days ago, and I really like it a lot!
Anyway, I'm from Atlanta, GA and love to ride my motorbike around. It's just a schwinn jaguar from target witha chinese engine mounted on it. I bought the engine on ebay from a guy selling them out of Kalimazoo. I've read many conflicting accounts of chinese engines, but I'm happy to say that this one is working out well for me. I've only been running it for little over a week now, though.
Like I said before, I'm from Atlanta.. I'm the leader of a real badass motorbike gang called the SATANS HELLPERS.. I'm also the only member, so if you live in Atlanta or the surrounding area and want to join, message me! Denim vests, teenaged attitude, and a sneer are a must.
Stay ill!
Welcome to the forum. Glad to have you with us. I have a Jaguar motorized bicycle to with a chinese motor on it. I like it a lot better than a mountain bike...............
Welcome to the forum. Glad to have you with us. I have a Jaguar motorized bicycle to with a chinese motor on it. I like it a lot better than a mountain bike...............

I pretty much saw the kit on ebay, instantly ordered it..went to target and bought the bike, then waited for the kit to arrive. I think i did more reading about stuff while waiting on the kit to get here than before i bought it. It was kind of an impulse buy. And the Jag was the cheapest cruiser they had. I think it works well!
welcome to the forum. the jaguar is a great bike. i had one before i left the states. put a bicycle motor on it and it really gets nice. i also added a springer front end to it an it smooths the ride right out big time. glad to have you with us
Welcome to the group. I just read in another thread that your bike was stolen, hope you get it back...Kelly:ride2: