Hello from 9,000 ft.+ Quito, Ecuador!


New Member

Greetings! I'd like to introduce myself before anything else. My name is J and I'm living in a mountain city in the Andes! I did not know much about motorized bicycles up until recently - and I don't know how many people could agree, but once the idea got into my head, I was hungry for more info! Thread after countless thread, research on dozens of related websites, and hundreds of youtube videos later, I decided I wanted one!

Over-saturated traffic, the suffering economy, increasing gas prices and just time wasted in general all aided my decision. Fortunately, here in Ecuador, there is an auto dealer who has these kits available. Unfortunately, I am not so 'mechanic-savvy'... so I opted for a ready built bike.

26" tires, 50cc 2 stroke china motor (the name is cat-em 50), 44t sprocket... well, I did a fair amount of research before buying it, and I have a basic understanding of how a 2 stroke motor works.

Yesterday, I begun the break in process. I am aware that higher altitudes (9,000 ft+) mean less air, therefore requiring a variety of modifications to be done, of which I understand a re-jetting would be most beneficial. Since I lack the mechanical experience to do some of these things, even the most basic (like checking the spark plug color, and yes, I did search, but did not find a step by step picture guide), I am relying on the technical knowledge of the experienced veterans on these forums! Thank you everyone for everything I've already learned - most of my "theoretical knowledge" comes from this very website! And thanks bairdco, for replying so promptly to my question on youtube!

I will post my very first inquiry in the appropriate forum. Hope to hear from you guys!

Que paso Hermano... no sabia que en sur america habia motores. Yo soy peruno pero vivo en los Angeles California.

Welcome to the site!
Yo tampoco! Hay solamente de 50cc dos tiempos, pero para mi es mas que suficiente! Gracias por la bienvenida, espero poder molestarle con unas consultas cuando llegue la hora! Cuidate hermano.
Hey there, I'm spending an extended period of time in Cuenca and would love to add a motor to my bike (since I can't afford a motorcycle). You said then an auto dealer here has the kits available. Which dealer was it? I'm fairly experienced in mechanics and could handle the DIY approach. Is there anywhere else I could find a kit? Perhaps Coral? Thanks.
hi j and welcome to our community and motorized bicycles. i am like you and not very mechanical at all but with others help i have learned a lot over the years, great to have you with us and hope you get great enjoyment out of your new ride
hello jtowd, welcome and you will have luck finding kits at mogrovejo dealership, just look up cuenca bicimotos in google and you should find their website. owner is respectable, have had no problems. in fact, i should be ordering a new clutch cable and handle from him soon since my motorbike has been out of commission for sometime now... if you're ever in quito and wanna chat, hit me up!.shft.
Yes, I believe I've heard before that Quito is at a high altitude. And you're just about exactly on the equator, too, aren't you?

You have the potential to be this site's high altitude expert.
Welsome JTdowd. Both of you, tseekr and you come from a beautiful country. I'm not too familiar with Cuenca but I have flown into Quito. That's an airport you don't want to make any mistakes at :) 9000' above sea level and in a valley. :)

Good luck with your motorized bicycle project and please, send us some photos of your bike when you get it finished.
Have fun and ride safe.
