Hello Everyone :)


Custom MB Buiilder
I am 52 and love all types of bikes & motorcycles, I believe in safety annd fun
and letting those who ride decide. Got my first motorbike when I was 6. Been
riding almost every day of my life. Been looking for a place like this for a long time, (years) I did not give up and i am glad I didn't(c)
welcome saddletramp. you will find most of us are your age i am 50 and like you enjoy riding on 2 wheels. glad to have you with us
Riding motorized contrivances since you were six eh? Me too! Just could never seem to kick the habit, finally accepted it.

Welcome to the forum Saddletramp. You'll like it here. Lots of us 50+ motorized bicyclers here. I been riding all my life too. Birds of a feather I guess...................