Hello all!


New Member
Hi! I'm new to this, and i'm looking to take an older cruiser and convert it into a commuting machine. Any advice is especially appreciated.
Welcome to the forum. Lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts here. My advice would be to find a bike you like and get a motor and start to work. If you get hung on anything we have some really sharp people here that would be more than happy to help you out. Don't be afraid to ask questions...............
welcome alan and the best advice i can give you is ask questions as you build. the site is here so we can all help each other. lots of people with indepth knowlege of biycle motors. glad to have you with us
Welcome Alen, I can asure you these guys will answer any questions you have. I am also new this week and am almost having a melt down with all the info. See you around.
Welcome alan, glad you could join us :D Yes, ask any question you might have, somebody here alway's willing to help
Welcome to the group Alan. My best advise to you would be to Loc-tite everything and don't be afraid to ask questions. Enjoy the ride...Kelly:ride2:
Hello Alan and longtooth! Should warn ya, these things are mighty addicting but more fun then should be legal