F#*!# sake, set the flippin tension wrench to 12ft/lbs as noted on the instructions & bang the nuts have threaded, off now to the store to get some high tension M8/1 nuts & try again, I know how you feel mate, just had wished I logged on before I tried to tension my head again & would have read your thread & I would have lowered the setting for precautions, cant understand though Ive done everything exactly as stated on the instructions?, anyway its 9.20am in Australia on a Sunday, will need to wait another 1/2 hour before shops open,
Fantastic idea about lapping the head, I will have to order another head gasket just in case it still leaks, this is going to take a few more days before I receive it though, spewing its a cracker of a day & hanging to ride my new spanking bike all over the place, bu the way when you all state aluminium paint, I have never seen this in stores over hear?
Cheers all