Greetings from League City Texas


New Member
Jul 5, 2008
League City Texas
Hello All,

Hopefully I've gotten into the right spot for introductions...

I became a born-again bike rider because of the price of gas, but what happened was I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it as a kid. And the new bikes are amazing! I'm building up to the point where I can commute on my bike to work, thereby eliminating the need to ever buy another car. For me, that's a 30 mile round trip. Pretty bold plan, eh?

I fervently believe in the future of the motorized bicycle technologies I've seen on the internet, but I have yet to be able to talk with anyone who had first-hand experience with it. I would sure like to hear from enthusiasts in the Houston area. For that matter, dealerships or distributors. I'm the kind of guy who has to research, see and feel before moving towards being a full-fledged fanatic. I look forward to what I expect will be an enlightening experience!
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New Member
Jul 5, 2008
North Texas
Hi Couchpotato,

I'm new here. Your post is the first I've read.

I've been bicycling for years and years, but I my e-bike knowledge is pretty limited. My goal is find a way to put 300 watts of solar panels to work and enjoy the free ride.

I live north of Dallas a few miles, a transplant from the northwest by way of Arizona...the source of the panels I dragged with me.

Hello All,

Hopefully I've gotten into the right spot for introductions...

I became a born-again bike rider because of the price of gas, but what happened was I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it as a kid. And the new bikes are amazing! I'm building up to the point where I can commute on my bike to work, thereby eliminating the need to ever buy another car. For me, that's a 30 mile round trip. Pretty bold plan, eh?

I fervently believe in the future of the motorized bicycle technologies I've seen on the internet, but I have yet to be able to talk with anyone who had first-hand experience with it. I would sure like to hear from enthusiasts in the Houston area. For that matter, dealerships or distributors. I'm the kind of guy who has to research, see and feel before moving towards being a full-fledged fanatic. I look forward to what I expect will be an enlightening experience!


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Welcome to the forum. I was a confirmed couch potato myself till last year this time. Did a little walking then moved to the bike. then to the motor bike. I work on one or ride one everyday now.

There is a learning curve alright but they are a lot of fun to own and to tinker with. I am not from Houston or even texas so I can't help you much on where to lay hands on one.

Welcome and we do have a lot of texas members so someone will be along.


New Member
Jul 5, 2008
North Texas
Thanks you for the welcome. There is much to be said for the bicycle and even more to be said with the rising cost of fuel. We're down to one car and three bikes--a Ford Ranger, Cannondale, Bike Friday, and a Burley Samba.

I'm hoping to catch some ideas from folks here and electrify one of them.

Many years ago, maybe 1948, a fellow gave me a ride home on his motorbike. It was kind of like a Whizzer, except the engine was mounted with a friction drive on the front tire. I wis I'd been old enough to see how it was put together.


Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
Welcome to the forum, I'm from Texas but from the top end. I do get down to Houston a few times a year. But I don't ride my motorized bicycle that far:D. My son lives in Spring and is a manager for the Hardrock Cafe. I really get a kick out of riding my bike. I've been hasseled a little bit by the local police. So if I see a city policeman now I just kill the engine and start pedaling. IN fact Norman and I both were riding last weekend and met a policeman and just did the ghost pedal thing. He followed us and watched for a little bit but finally turned around and left. So maybe if we don't burn and pillage the town they'll leave us alone. Glad you joined us.................