Gotta love it...

Denis Zen

Active Member
I just got back from the corner store but when I came out to get on my bike there were four guys standing around my bike looking at it and seemed to be arguing .

I have to admit that I went into my mental fight mode but remained calm on the out side. "Excuse me gentlemen." I said flatly as I loaded my drinks on the back rack.

"Hey man, you build this youself?" One asked in broken english. I nodded yes. "Hey if I pay you will you come to my house and look at my bike, the chain she keeps coming off and she dont work. I give you 20 to just look at it." I said "sure."

He pulls out 20 dollars and stuffs it in my shirt pocket and points to a church down the street and tells me he lives next door and come by when I can. The second and third guys chimed in "me too? " "And me too? " said the third. I nodded yes.

Lol... I asked them " what were you talking about when I came out of the store?"

He said they were arguing over whether or not my bike was a store bought or diy job. "See you tomorrow bro?" "Yep" I replied.

I couldn't help but smile with pride as I putted home.

So begins my career as the local motor bike guru... Now I can get that new carb I had my eye on.

Gotta love it!!!

Ride on right on!!!
I had something similar happen, I stopped by a local Publix market to get something to drink and left my bike right outside the doors. When I got back outside a police officer was standing there looking at my bike, before I could say anything he said"that's cool" I always wanted one. He was talking about a whizzer he had seen when he was younger.
I had something similar happen, I stopped by a local Publix market to get something to drink and left my bike right outside the doors. When I got back outside a police officer was standing there looking at my bike, before I could say anything he said"that's cool" I always wanted one. He was talking about a whizzer he had seen when he was younger.
It sure gives your bike a sense of pride when ya get compliments
On just about every ride I get honks or thumbs up of approval for my Whizzer M/B.

Here's a Story for ya,
I rode my Whizzer to a car and M/C show by where I live in 2014
I parked mt Whizzer by my friends 1970 Dodge Challenger who was entered in the show
When the judges were walking around judging the cars and M/Cs one of the judges asked "who's bike is this I don't see an entry card on it" I said this is my bike and it's not entered in the show. The judge said "too bad, nice bike"
After a while the judge came back and to ask me about my Whizzer I told him it was reproduction Whizzer Made in Taiwan. The judge said to me "It's not too late to still enter"
I took that as a hint and paid the $20 and entered my Whizzer M/B
When it came time to call out the M/C Trophies
1st Place was best Modern Harley
2nd Place was best Vintage Harley
3rd Place was best Metric Cruiser and they called out my name Whizzer
This was a fun day My friends 1970 Dodge Challenger also won Best of Show
We both came home WINNERS
Here are some pics


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Nice bike Wrench. I won most original with my 50 in October 2019, I didn’t expect to win anything, I just enjoy seeing nicely restored cars.


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There's still something special about these little bikes...
Even now as grown men, it taps into that dream every little kid had of putting a real engine on his bicycle & going fast!

I remember my friend & I riding our motorbikes to a few big Harley events & having crowds of bikers standing around staring at our bikes.... We're in a sea of $50k Harleys, & these guys are more interested in these things! laff
Where I live in SOCAL there are many Car shows.I look forward to riding my Whizzer M/B to these shows every year. I park my Whizzer and she becomes part of the show.
It's always fun hearing the stories from old timers who had a Whizzer when they were a kid back in the 40s and 50s.

This one show I went too was called "Show us your wheels" and anything could enter
I entered my Whizzer in this show 2011
When it was time to announce the trophy winners the announcer said
" We have something here that is so cool were going to give it a runners up prize"
My Whizzer was called out and they gave me a his and hers Harley gift basket with Harley hats and shirts and stuff. This was another very fun day.
Pic of that day.
Sorry, I put a piece of tape over my last name for privacy

The only times I entered my Whizzer in any shows was 2011 and 2014.
She won a prize both times.


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Man, after looking at your guys builds it humbles me in a way to strive to reach the same level as you.

Youre all artisans in your own right and I am very honored by you sharing and inspiring us with your master pieces.

It boggles the mind to see such creativity and individuality.

I have to say that I am truely in a league of extraordinary gentlemen and hope to match the calibur of awesomeness that you all have.

Bravo gentlemen, Bravo!
I just got my 3rd build request from a neighborhood gentleman and rest assured I will be directing him to join us to learn and share his experiences.

The builds just keep getting better and better each time.

Thanks to all of you of course... gotta give credit where credit is due.

Cheers all!