Well-Known Member
Thank you very much Theon, yes a little time needed for ironing this procedure out but I know now what I need to be shooting for.
this reminds me of the changes that just a few degrees of timing change makes on 4 stroke engines, to advance a few degrees helps low end power and then to retard a few degrees sacrifices a bit of the low end but I increases power in the upper rpms.
since I dont use reeds I guess 123-124 degrees is what Im gonna be shooting for then once I get me a set up to do the job put together.
Thanks again for the great info. hopefully this will help others also.

this reminds me of the changes that just a few degrees of timing change makes on 4 stroke engines, to advance a few degrees helps low end power and then to retard a few degrees sacrifices a bit of the low end but I increases power in the upper rpms.
since I dont use reeds I guess 123-124 degrees is what Im gonna be shooting for then once I get me a set up to do the job put together.
Thanks again for the great info. hopefully this will help others also.

Dave uses a dial gauge to get TDC, I use a squish test, which can be more fiddly, but will give a reasonably accurate result with patience.
I use a very thin base gasket at this stage to minimize error through compression of gasket, or leave base gasket out and tension barrel/head down with again no gasket or if barrel has already been decked, appropriate gasket to get me under a mm(>.040") of squish (.020" is perfect), I then use a piece 1mm solder and find the point at which the crank will rock back and forth against the pressure of the solder. You should find it will 'bounce' approx. 3 or 4 deg. Halve this, and you have TDC.
Set your Disc (attached to crank on the Mag side works for me, but drive gear side is OK also). Make sure it can not move on the crank and set pointer to suit.
Now you should be able to work out where your ports are opening.
I lift the head, and retention the barrel so I can better see whats going on.
Transfer timing is best kept close to 120 deg duration, even a little less, depending what your after.
So, the transfer port should be opening at between 119 deg ATDC and 124 deg ATDC.
119 giving Top end, 124 giving low down.
I usually aim for Top End and let the reeds help the low down, so 120 I find good.
But without reeds, and for a good bottom end, I'd go for 123 deg.
As you have probably gathered, 3 deg is a rather small amount, and likely equates to about a difference in base gasket of around 1.5mm?
But without going to this trouble, It can be very Hit and Miss.
The other beauty of this effort however is the ability to accurately duplicate good results.
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