Global climate scam !!

Funny thing is that China has polluted more in the past 30 years then the US has since the industrial revolution. Saw a show a couple of years ago and they were in this factory town in China, all the factories were burning so much coal that the coal ash coming down literally looked like gray snow. It hadn't rains in about a week and people were having to shovel off their roofs.

Look at the "third world counties" that are anywhere along a coast, most of them have adopted ship breaking. Run a ship aground then torch it down to the keel letting all the oil and toxic chemicals pour right out onto the beaches.
Christ, here you guys are sitting on a pile of mashed taters and being showered in gravy and all you do is complain.

Ya, I'm kidding. I was lucky enough to live in the US and it was fantastic at the hardest of times.

We just had a bunch of Sri Lankans/Tamali Tiger rebels picked up off the BC coast and guess what? They have the same rights as the Canadians because they might be in danger in thier country! Do you think so?

They murdered thier way around thier own country and are wanted criminals and they may be in trouble?? When the Tamil Tigers were being over run the little SOBs were in the second largest city in Canada, Toronto, holding the city hostage for days because they plugged the main part of the city so nothing could move. Now they are saying if this bunch aren't allowed in they will do it again.

One has a International warrant for his arrest and he will be gone.

This country has become a joke in the 3rd world. Get close to the shore and you are in.
Free medical,$2,000 a month, free school that native born Canadians can't get into and
if you work it right you get help getting a business started and you don't have to speak English because they supply a translator.

I live next to the third largest city in Canada and 52% of the people use a language other than English as a first language.
Nothing like looking at your Federal Government and seeing Turbans everywhere.

Off-topic for climate scam, but since you mentioned Canada and immigration...

In the late '80s, me and a friend were both supervisors at a factory in Illinois. The company sent us for a week-long statistical process control training seminar near Detroit. Each day was like 8 hours of class; harder than I expected, but it was in a nice hotel and all on the company's tab. Every night we drove across the border to check out the Canadian night life. Mostly because Detroit is a stinkin' slum, and also because totally-nude strip clubs were legal in Canada. We never had a problem crossing the border.

Then about 1995, another friend was a supervisor for the same company. He was sent to Canada for business. He drove up to the border and was asked if he had ever been arrested. He says, "Just once, years ago for a DUI". He was just being honest and didn't think that such a minor traffic offence was important.

They wouldn't let him in! Can you believe that? Canada doesn't want America's trash; hardcore criminals whose rap-sheets only contain a traffic ticket.

I can't remember if he went back home, or drove from the bridge to the tunnel and entered that way. That particular border agent was probably just being a prick.
a-dam, drunk driving is a Federal Offence here in Canada, just like robbing a bank. After 5 years in most cases you can apply to the Canadian Government to be allowed in but takes money and a lot of paper work.

Here's what happens in Canada if you are stopped. This is the bare minimum Federal Guidelines. The provinces can add to it if they want and they do. Big time!

1st offence-$600 fine. 1 year loss of licence/1 year in jail

2nd offence-14 days in jail. Loss of license for 2 years. Can add 2+ years in jail

3rd offence+ -90 days in jail. loss of licencse for 3 years. Can add 3+ years in jail
Plus fines as the Judge sees fit.

Jail time for over 160mg/100mls mandatory. The Provinces can add jail time to the above as much as they see fit.
You insurance goes up 3-5 times what it was, up to 5 years.

If your job says no criminal record, that's gone.

Ontario has a 8 month Drivers Ed course and you need a alcohol lock on your car for a year.

Toss in the 24 hours in jail that you have to serve after you are arrested plus the hand cuffs and the towing of your car and it is no fun.

Yes, it works the same way when we go over your border. Whole bus loads of people have been turned back to Canada because one person was rejected, so your people are no push over either.

Thanks, fasteddy.
Those penalties sound about as severe as ours nowdays. Actually, a 2nd and/or 3rd offence in the US would have you without a licence for more than 2-3 years. In Illinois, at least, a 1st offence gets the ignition interlock. A DUI is not a federal crime here (yet) and there is variation between the states, but the trend is for all states to pretty much act the same. Naming a law after someone is all the rage (Miley's law e.g.). Then political D-bags whine if all 50 states don't adopt Miley's law.

However, in my friend's case, it was 15 years ago. Seemed pretty unbelieveable to me back then that they turned him away.
Geeze, here in Ohio there are people with 6-8 dui's and they keep on lettin' out of jail. You can almost kill a whole family and you get maybe 30 days in the county jug!

Someday when you guys want to hear a real gruesome one, I'll tell you what a drunk driver did to my daughters and myself. (Lot's of blood, crushed bones, V-8 engine in between my oldest and myself, jaws of life, life flight helicopters, four ambulances, ect. ect. Fortunately, I was the worst off, but not by much).
here is the virgin islands if you are drinking and driving make sure you have a beer for the police officer if he pulls you over. thier is not law against drinking and driving. the law is you cannot drive intoxicated and if you have an accident while driving intoxicated you are in trouble. all the restaurant's and bars give you to go cups so you can enjoy the rest of your drink driving home. you can drink in public anywhere you want. you see people walking in kmart with a beer or walking around the grocery store on the beach pretty much every where. i have been at a few stores that were giving sample shots of rum and first thing when you get off the plane here thier is a shot of rum waiting for you
Wow pretty much sounds like a miracle you made it out of that one. I know a lady in Austin whos brother went down for 25 years in prison and she said he never injured anyone. I don't know how many DUI he had.
Joe, that is plain wrong.How they can let people away with that is unreal.

Then someone like your self and your daughters are the innocent victims.
Thats why it is a Federal offence in Canada. You would think that would scare people here but not as much as it should.

Taxis can be pretty scarce on FrI/Sat/Sun nights but there are always a few that can make it home, they think. My nephew was a bouncer and when some one left the bar unable to drive it was thier job to put them in a cab. Want to drive? They just called the cops and gave them your license number.
The really good news is that 8 out of 10 provinces use the RCMP as thier state police outside of the cities.Thats Royal Canadian Mounted Police and they are a federal police

Up here they have road blocks and the cops have a cruiser on every side street for up to a mile before the stop. If you see the road block and try sliding down a side street you will be stopped and if they smell alcohol and you blow the limit, good bye life.

The best part of this operation is the BATmobile. Breathe Anilizer Test Mobile. It is usually a large cube van where they take you and put you and give you tests.
You aren't taking any tests? Oh how the cops love that! You have rights? Yes you do. Miranda style rights.

If you are close to the limit but not at it, the cop can give you a roadside suspention were you can park you car in a safe place and they mark it with a sticker and it wont get towed and the someone can pick you up or you take a taxi home. Thats a good cop and it doesn't happen if you give them trouble.

Joe, what happened to the AH that hit you?

Steve- The woman who hit me (Norma K. Sweet) of Euclid Ohio, got 30 days, somehow got out of a few of those days, and then tried to dissapear without paying any restitution. She has a lifetime suspension because she didn't show up for court on related charges, and still to this day drives around, probably loaded half the time with no license.

I did find her on facebook or one of those sites last year and sent her a "letter" asking how she could do something like this and just walk away, especially when her profile goes on about being " into The Truth". I asked her if her past ever bothers her.

Of course there was no response.