GHX50 honda 4stroke


New Member
I am thinking about building a bike using a GHX50 engine kit. Is this a good idea? I will be using the bike for commuting (44miles round trip) 5 days a week. also can someone help me find the kit somewere other that

Thanks guys(c)
The latest outrage ( that I know of ) from ReVoLuTiOn involves sending a 48 cc instead of a 67cc Happy time.


I wish that thatsDAX would hurry up and announce his frame mount 4 cycle kit.


I would love the option of rack mount, or frame mount, Titan, or my own engine.
I'm looking heard @ thatsDAX and am trying to find the best stuff for my needs. but cool is also a factor. Lord knows that a gray hair on a bike needs all the cool he can get....
I have the same kit as sold through bicycle-engines and I use the Honda GXH50- that is a sweet little engine. The gearbox workd well, but is noisy at first, but quiets down with break in. Some people run it in gear oil, I run with grease.
Frank at Five Flags has the kits. I got one for $200, postage allowed, but am not sure that deal is still available. He doesn't have them listed on line, but you can order by phone.

So I have the kit and the engine, but am having a problem finding a bike with enough space in the frame that the engine will fit and will fit me. The newer frames seem to have the bottom tube sweep up rather down link the older ones did. That pushes the mount up much higher. Jim
thanks guys.. I guess Iwill keep looking. dose anyone know about the PF-4000 40cc Tanaka PureFire 2-Stroke? Is it dependabale?
I would recommend the Golden Eagle Bike Engines synchronous belt system. They sell a kit without an engine so you can use your Honda GXH50. I have had mine for almost 2 years now and I prefer it over any friction or chain drive I have tried. I am planning on getting the same Honda engine to replace my Robins Subaru EH035 when it dies someday (1200 + miles and still running great, so it might be a while) Still, I am looking forward to 2.5 HP vs 1.6 HP currently (33% -45% greater power depending on the RPM)
Good luck on you build.
Maybe this info will help you decide:
The Robin/Subaru EH035 uses a cast iron cylinder liner and is made in Japan.
The Honda is unlined (aluminum) and the engine is made in Thailand.
The Robin/Subaru EH035 does NOT have a cast iron cylinder liner

It has a chrome plated aluminum cylinder just like the cheap Chinese 2 strokes
except it is much higher quality.
A quality chrome plated cylinder is superior to a cast iron one....

Subaru Robin
Standard Features:
Powder metal inserted cam gear
High-carbon steel crankshaft
Connecting rod with needle bearing inserts
Hi-temp fluoride oil seal
Patented oil lubrication system
Aluminum alloy block with hard chromium plated cylinder
Electronic ignition with automatic timing adjustment
Dual ball-bearing supported crankshaft
Automatic decompression system
Splash type lubrication