Gear Noise


Can anyone tell me is there any way of stopping the noise that my gears [small pinion and clutch gear] make Its not really really lowed but abit anoying thanks mick29
I dont know bout yours,but on mine the manual told me that at low rps there will be a noise that is standard and natural.---is there oil in your geartbox?
Cut a piece of cardboard and press fit on the inside of the clutch cover. It will dampen and muffle the sound. Regular cardboard box was a little thick for one of my engines but a pizza box is a bit thinner.

SBP also carries an external rubberized sound dampener that sticks on the outside of the clutch cover. I copied the idea with a black mouse pad but haven't installed it yet.
i was thinking of trying a surfboard traction pad. it's like a neoprene foam with an adhesive backing. there used to be this stuff called "rip grip" that was made for Santa Cruz Skateboards by Astrodeck to protect your poor little fingers when you grabbed your skateboard. it's basically the same thing, adhesive backed neoprene. they've got in on ebay, but i just don't care enough to quiet the noise down.

unless i could find some in orange.
I took a tip from another thread and sprayed the inside of the clutch cover with "rubberized" undercoating. It did reduce the gear whine somewhat.

I wonder whats in this "dampener kit"...

*wanders off to look*

It appears to be mouse pads and tinfoil (sorry, adhesive metallic backing)... and no parts description...

JNM014 - Damp-Pro - $14.95 :, Star-Fire Motors and Parts
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Hey, don't know if this has been mentioned but I tried it and it seems quieter. sprayed several coats of "Disc brake quiet " on the inside of the clutch cover and magnito cover. It stands up to the heat very well and seems to deadend the sound.
I put a little synthetic crc disc brake grease on the gears and it really quited them down. Rated to over 500 degrees f, dont remember the exact number. Just dont over do it as it can get into your clutch pucks and you woulnt be going anywhere very fast.
Thanks I'll check into the grease. The disc brake quiet is a spray on plastic material that seems to stop the ringing effect of the flat covers. At $7 a can it's cheap for a little less noise.
The finish on the gears leave a lot to be desired. You can gently grind/sand the teeth then polish them. All you want to do is smooth them out. It's just that they're so rough they are lapping themselves in as you ride. Gear sets for cars are run in before they are installed. Proper preperation extends the life of the parts.

I'm getting a new motor this summer to work on. One of the thing on the list of upgrades is polishing the gears then applying Techline Powerkote Dry Film Lubricant to the teeth.

Oh, those dampener pads are an elastomer plastic that is intended as a sound dampener. I have installed them. You can tell it will work when you tap on the part it doesn't sound metallic anymore, it just sounds dead ;)