gasket question


New Member
so on the gaskets for the intake and the pipe, do i need to put the gasket sealer on both sides of the gaskets?
like in this order= intake,gasket sealer,gasket,gasket sealer then bolt it on the the head? this sounds lame but this is the only way i can explain it.. also on the pipe side? jeff(?)
when carb, exhaust and head bolts are removed, replace hardware with american nuts and bolts. do not reuse acorn nuts on head if you have them. get a tube of locktite red and blue. use red on bolts going into engine block and use blue on nuts also use lock washers where possible. i hope that helps. mitch
so on the gaskets for the intake and the pipe, do i need to put the gasket sealer on both sides of the gaskets?
like in this order= intake,gasket sealer,gasket,gasket sealer then bolt it on the the head? this sounds lame but this is the only way i can explain it.. also on the pipe side? jeff(?)

On the exhaust it won't do much good. Too hot.

ON the intake, indeed smear both sides of the gasket. I used Permatex Blue RTV, seems to seal pretty well.
silicone rtv a little dab smeared on the nut and the thread will work as poorboy locktite. This almost sounded nasty I might have to ban myselfrotfl

on gaskets no need to slather on the silicone but if you feel better a very thin coating of silicone rtv on both sides of the gaskets surfaces will not hurt anything and if you want to smear it on the exhaust gasket may I recommend the very high temp silicone rtv for the exhaust. ON the head gasket I like to use aluminum spray paint the cheap stuff that has real aluminum in it which will be listed on ingredients on the can use it wet or let it dry first and a good medium to heavy coat on both sides will work.
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