Kids today think only of themselves. It's the "Me" generation. No consideration for other people or what the results of their actions might have on them. Evidence is 'social media' and what the young think is important. What I'M DOING. Where I'M GOING. "What I'M THINKING. ME, ME, ME. It's all about ME!. That's why they call it 'Social ME-dia'.
Watch television and count how many times a day you see them taking pictures of THEMSELVES. 'SELFIES, they call them. Like everyone else wants to see photos of THEM! TV commercials show it over and over. A recent news story showed some of them doing 'selfies' of themselves and a baby whale. Yeah, 'THEY' got their pictures, but the whale died. "Too bad. At least I got a picture of ME and the whale and sent it to all my friends".
This kid couldn't care less what his actions resulted in. He was all absorbed with what HE wanted to do. HE didn't care that he damaged someone else's car. He was only interested in hiding his actions so HE wouldn't get in trouble.
With another generation or two of his kind...this world is in a lot of trouble. My generation wasn't perfect, not by a long shot but we were taught to have consideration and to be responsible for our actions and for other people. That value has been lost along with common sense and personal responsibility.
Sorry for the rant but these kinds of things get my blood boiling!
In no way was this aimed at youngsters like Jordan (aka, YesImLDS). He is a perfect example of what we as the older generation wish for this country. I've met him, ridden with him and know him. We'd be in much better shape if the majority were like him.